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CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective (4th Edition)
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数字电路CMOS&TTL74系列芯片ALTIUM库(AD原理图库),包括CMOS4000和TTL74 2个系列芯片全部型号原理图库文件,共896个 Library Component Count : 896 4020 14-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter 4021 8-Stage Shift Register (Asynchronous Parallel Input or Synchronous Serial Input/Serial Output) 4022 Octal Counter with 8 Decoded Outputs 4023 Triple 3-Input NAND Gate 4024 7-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter 4025 Triple 3-Input NOR Gate 4027 Dual J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop 4028 BCD to Decimal Decoder 4029 Presettable Up/Down Counter Binary or BCD Decade 4030 Quad Exclusive-OR Gate 4031 64-Stage Static Shift Register 4035 4-Stage Parallel In/Parallel Out Shift Register 4040 12-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter 4041 Quad True/Complement Buffer 4042 Quad Clocked D-Latch 4043 Quad 3-State R-S Latch 4044 Quad 3-State R-S Latch 4049 Inverting Hex Buffer / Converter 4050 Non-Inverting Hex Buffer/Conver 74F14 Hex Schmitt-Trigger Inverter 74F148 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder 74F151 1 of 8 Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F151A 1 of 8 Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F153 Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F154 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer 74F157 Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F157A Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F158 Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F158A Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer 74F160A Synchronous 4-Bit Decade Counter with Direct Clear 74F161A Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counter with Direct Clear 74F162A Fully Synchronous 4-Bit Decade Counter 74F163A Fully Synchronous 4-Bit Bina
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