Fletcher would like to thank his wife, A’me, who endured the absolute eternity that it took to produce this book, and his general tendency to generate lots of interesting ideas for large-scale projects that are initiated and then dropped a quarter of the way through. (No more gigantic projects for at least two or three weeks, I promise!) Ian would like to thank his wife and children for not whining too loudly, and Fletcher for putting up with his procrastination. He would also like to thank Douglas Adams for the herring sandwich scoop, the bowl of petunias, and countless other references to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy that you will find in this book. Mike Pratcher gets a very huge thanks for his detailed and knowledgable critique, and for writing a very large portion of the exercises. Matt Carter made the robot and kitchen and agreed to numerous requests to pose the robot one way or another. Thanks to Glenn Gamble for the dead sheep. Eric Huang created the cover illustration and all other 2D artwork that required any artistic talent whatsoever. (The authors made the rest.) Pavel Krajcevski provided helpful criticism.
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