2021-09-26 10:26:34 310.07MB exsi vmvisor exsi6.7
DPInst.exe: installs and uninstalls driver packages. DPInst.exe: 安装及删除驱动程序包。 By default, the tools searches the current directory and tries to install all driver packages found. 默认情况下,此工具会搜索当前目录并尝试安装找到的驱动程序包。 Usage: DPInst.exe [/U INF-file][/S | /Q][/LM][/P][/F][/SH][/SA][/A][/PATH Path][/EL][/L LanguageID][/C][/D][/LogTitle Title][/SW][/? | /h | /help] 用法:DPInst.exe [/U INF-file][/S | /Q][/LM][/P][/F][/SH][/SA][/A][/PATH Path][/EL][/L LanguageID][/C][/D][/LogTitle Title][/SW][/? | /h | /help] /U path to INF file Uninstall a driver package (INF-file). /U 指定 INF 文件 删除一个驱动程序包(INF-文件)。 /S | /Q Silent (Quiet) mode. Suppresses the Device Installation Wizard and any dialogs popped-up by the operating system. /LM Legacy mode. Accepts unsigned driver packages and packages with missing files. These packages won't install on the latest version of Windows. /LM 传统模式。接受未签名的驱动包(缺少.cat文件)以及包中有文件丢失。 /P Prompt if the driver package to be installed is not better than the current one. /P 如果驱动包已经安装以及比当前使用的版本要旧就发出提示。 /F Force install inf the driver package is not better than the current one. /F 强制安装比当前使用的版本要旧的驱动包。 /SH Scans hardware for matching devices and only copies and installs those drivers for which a device is present. Only valid for Plug and Play drivers. /SH 仅仅对已插入的匹配的硬件设备进行扫描。 /SA Suppress the Add/Remove Programs entry normally created for each driver package. /SA 禁止“添加或删除程序”创建卸载项。 /A Install all or none. /PATH Path Search for driver packages under the given path. /PATH 路径 在指定的路径下搜索驱动程序包。 /EL Enables all languages not explicitly listed in the XML file. /L LanguageID Tries to use the given language in all UI. Useful for localization tests. /SE Suppress the EULA. /SE 禁止最终用户许可协议。 /C Dump logging output to attached Console (Windows XP and above). /C 转存日志文件输出到附加控
2021-09-25 11:58:54 587KB Driver Package Installer (dpinst)
本身用途是android模拟器加速 可以解决错误 ERROR:x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration …… CPU acceleration status:HAXM must be updated(version 1.1.1<6.0.1)
2021-09-24 15:42:48 1.72MB HAXM installer revision v6.0.1
2021-09-24 13:00:56 3.78MB npp.8.1.4.Instal notepad++
Visual Studio Installer For Visual Studio 6.0 安装程序制作工具
2021-09-24 13:00:17 35.23MB 222
2021-09-23 10:21:12 2.94MB 处理器
2021-09-20 16:57:56 4.61MB OS_Installer
启动Installer 安装SCL后,接着安装 Design Compiler的common和linux(或AMD64)文件夹,破解后即可使用。 详细安装方法请见:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/5e861ea7284ac850ad024242.html 或者见eetop论坛:http://bbs.eetop.cn/?fromuid=980716
2021-09-19 16:06:26 9.31MB Instal DC
2021-09-18 23:07:00 503.76MB exe
ETAS和BoSch联合开源的Busmaster,可以比美国内常用的CANoe软件,而且兼容硬件更多更好,这个版本是国内某公司二次编译可使用CANpal工具, 有需要可请教原公司技术人员
2021-09-18 19:53:43 48.51MB ETAS BOSCH Busmater CANoe