About this guide
Terms and definitions
Incident Response Basics
Attack lifecycle (kill chain)
Incident response steps
Recommended IR process and rules
Incident triggers
Prioritization guidelines
Analyzing incidents in SIEM
Lessons learned
Incident response example
The attack plan
The incident response
Preparation (example)
Identification (example)
Containment (example)
Eradication and Recovery (example)
Lessons learned (example)
Recommended tools and utilities
Tools for collecting IOC
Sysinternals utilities
Tools for creating dumps
GRR Rapid Response
Forensic Toolkit
dd utility
Belkasoft RAM Capturer
Tools for analysis
Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal
Tools for analyzing memory dumps
Tools for analyzing hard disk dumps
Strings utility
Tools for eradication
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
Kaspersky Rescue Disk
AO Kaspersky Lab
Trademark notices
对于安全防护来说,真正可怕的是自身的无知,知识的不对称导致的威胁发生在身边却不知晓,会让防护者陷入“我已经做的足够好”的Comfort Zone。如何了解这个世界真实地在发生什么?尽快地获取到高质量精准的情报,找准威胁发展的方向就成了不得不面对的问题。蜜罐作为一个投入产出比极高的情报源,在当今快速变化的对抗中被赋予了新的使命。 议题从对蜜罐自身定位重新思考开始,结合现代企业对于蜜罐的需求,通过海量互联网数据支撑和攻击预测模型,跳出原有蜜罐的局限,提出了立体化自适应的蜜罐方案。通过对我们获取到的实际案例进行解读,重新调整我们对于蜜罐系统的期望。展示了现代蜜罐系统如何帮助安全团队更好的理解网络攻击的“黑暗森林”,回答企业内以及互联网上”What’s happening”这一话题。让这一“古老”的技术,在现今的“威胁情报”先导的安全实践中“重焕新生”。
•Think Out Of The Box