asm4开发手册-英文原版, cglib库动态代理底层采用的字节码分析库
2021-08-26 16:40:52 1.36MB asm cglib java 动态代理
英文原版,可编辑. 包含书签和目录. 目录可跳转. The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to system theory with emphasis on control theory. It is intended to be the textbook of a typical one-semester course introduction to systems primarily for first-year graduate students in engineering, but also in mathematics, physics, and the rest of the sciences. Prerequisites for such a course include undergraduate-level differential equations and linear algebra, Laplace transforms, and modeling ideas of, say, electric circuits and simple mechanical systems. These topics are typically covered in the usual undergraduate curricula in engineering and sciences. The goal of this text is to provide a clear understanding of the fundamental concepts of systems and control theory, to highlight appropriately the principal results, and to present material sufficiently broad so that the reader will emerge with a clear picture of the dynamical behavior of linear systems and their advantages and limitations.
2021-08-26 13:49:36 8.48MB A Linear Sys 英文原版
Game Development With Slimdx
2021-08-26 13:21:30 2.73MB Game
资源来自,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth This magnificent tour de force presents a comprehensive overview of a wide variety of algorithms and the analysis of them. Now in its third edition, The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms contains substantial revisions by the author and includes numerous new exercises. Although this book was conceived several decades ago, it is still a timeless classic. One of the book's greatest strengths is the wonderful collection of problems that accompany each chapter. The author has chosen problems carefully and indexed them according to difficulty. Solving a substantial number of these problems will help you gain a solid understanding of the issues surrounding the given topic. Furthermore, the exercises feature a variety of classic problems. Fundamental Algorithms begins with mathematical preliminaries. The first section offers a good grounding in a variety of useful mathematical tools: proof techniques, combinatorics, and elementary number theory. Knuth then details the MIX processor, a virtual machine architecture that serves as the programming target for subsequent discussions. This wonderful section comprehensively covers the principles of simple machine architecture, beginning with a register-level discussion of the instruction set. A later discussion of a simulator for this machine includes an excellent description of the principles underlying the implementation of subroutines and co-routines. Implementing such a simulator is an excellent introduction to computer design. In the second section, Knuth covers data structures--stacks, queues, lists, arrays, and trees--and presents implementations (in MIX assembly) along with techniques for manipulating these structures. Knuth follows many of the algorithms with careful time and space analysis. In the section on tree structures, the discussion includes a series
2021-08-26 13:16:07 66.5MB 英文原版 D.E.Knuth
资源来自,本人对相关版权等问题不了解,可联系删除 The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd Edition) Donald E. Knuth Volume 2 of Donald Knuth's classic series The Art of Computer Programming covers seminumerical algorithms, with topics ranging from random number generators to floating point operations and other optimized arithmetic algorithms. Truly comprehensive and meticulously written, this book (and series) is that rarest of all creatures--a work of authoritative scholarship in classical computer science, but one that can be read and used profitably by virtually all working programmers. The book begins with fundamental questions regarding random numbers and how to use algorithms to generate them. Subsequent chapters demonstrate efficient computation of single-precision and double-precision arithmetic calculations and modular arithmetic. The text then presents prime factorization (which can be used in cryptography, for instance) and algorithms for calculating fractions. This volume ends with algorithms for polynomial arithmetic and manipulation of power-series topics, which will benefit those with some knowledge of calculus. Throughout this beautifully presented edition, Knuth incorporates hundreds of useful exercises for trying out the algorithms. These range from simple problems to larger research project topics. (The book provides answers, where appropriate, at the end of the book.) The result is a text that's suitable for college or graduate-level computer science courses or individual study by programmers. Volume 2 is an indispensable part of any working programmer's library.
2021-08-26 13:03:35 63.62MB D.E.Knuth 英文原版 epub
加利福尼亚伯克利大学的嵌入式系统课程——Lee & Seshia: Introduction to Embedded Systems - A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach的英文原版课件,总共720页,制作了详细的书签。
2021-08-26 10:20:59 121.75MB 嵌入式系统 伯克利大学
Modeling Our World 英文原版 学习GIS的圣经 理解GIS建模的思想和过程 尤其是对ArcGIS架构和解决问题的思路启发极大
2021-08-25 21:47:44 11.23MB GIS Model ESRI
包含7块内容: A. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) 常微分方程 B. Linear Algebra. Vector Calculus 线性代数和向量微积分 C. Fourier Analysis. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) 偏微分方程 D. Complex Analysis 复分析 E. Numeric Analysis 数值分析 F. Optimization, Graphs 最优化与图论 G. Probability, Statistics 概率与统计
2021-08-25 17:31:02 13.7MB 高等数学 工程数学
3.2 实例匹配 3.2.1 基于人机协作的实例匹配 众包和主动学习等人机协作方法是目前实例匹配的研究热点。这些方法雇佣 普通用户,通过付出较小的人工代价来获得丰富的先验数据,从而提高匹配模型 的性能。 Hike [Zhuang et al., 2017] 是一个解决大规模知识库间实例匹配的众包方法, 其框架流程如图 3 所示。该方法为实例对之间定义偏序关系,根据构建的偏序结 构和已知问题答案可以推断未知问题答案。之后基于假设定义实例对和问题集的 推断期望,根据推断期望选出最佳问题分发给众包参与者。 与通过众包直接解决大规模实例匹配不同,链接发现工具 Silk [Isele & Bizer, 2013]和 LIMES [Ngonga Ngomo & Lyko, 2012]均通过结合主动学习和遗传算法来 生成链接规约(link specification)。链接规约由以下两种操作组合得到:求值操 作和相似度操作。求值操作根据输入的实例输出一组值,例如取出一组特定属性 或者对特定属性、数据做小写、分词等变换处理;相似度操作则是针对输入的一 对实例求得或者聚合相似度。Silk 和 LIMES 将学习到的链接规约组织成树的结 构。在向用户提问的策略上,LIMES 选择能够最大化投票熵的候选,而 Silk 则
2021-08-24 20:24:01 4.66MB 知识图谱 CCKS2018
2021-08-24 13:52:47 3.27MB 能源管理体系