利用Html5 技术开发游戏的教材,从0开始创建一个游戏,并搭建一个框架,从而完成整个3D游戏的开发。
2020-03-04 03:15:33 36.81MB html5 css3 游戏开发
2020-01-21 03:12:14 766B Three.js WebGL
WebGL makes it possible to create 3D graphics in the browser without having to use plugins such as Flash and Java. Programming WebGL, however, is difficult and complex. With Three.js, it is possible to create stunning 3D graphics in an intuitive manner using JavaScript, without having to learn WebGL. With this book, you’ll learn how to create and animate beautiful looking 3D scenes directly in your browser-utilizing the full potential of WebGL and modern browsers. It starts with the basic concepts and building blocks used in Three.js. From there on, it will expand on these subjects using extensive examples and code samples. You will learn to create, or load, from externally created models, realistic looking 3D objects using materials and textures. You’ll find out how to easily control the camera using the Three.js built-in in camera controls, which will enable you to fly or walk around the 3D scene you created. You will then use the HTML5 video and canvas elements as a material for your 3D objects and to animate your models. Finally, you will learn to use morph and skeleton-based animation, and even how to add physics, such as gravity and collision detection, to your scene. After reading this book, you’ll know everything that is required to create 3D animated graphics using Three.js.
2020-01-03 11:43:05 63.67MB three webgl pdf canvas
这是一款基于HTML5 WebGL的图像扭曲变形动画特效。该特效中,通过Three.js来制作从一幅缩略图,扭曲变形为全屏大图的动画特效,共有6种炫酷的动画效果。
2020-01-03 11:39:24 1.78MB HTML5库
2020-01-03 11:19:49 17.6MB 超图 webgl 三维 cesium
交互式计算机图形学——基于WEBGL的自顶向下方法 第7版,Interactive Computer Graphics:A Top-Down Approach with WebGL (7th Edition)中文版
2019-12-21 22:09:45 189.65MB webgl 计算机图形学
2019-12-21 21:53:13 1.09MB webgl 球型全景图 全景图播放
通过cesuim接口实现飞行管理 参考文档链接https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42066016/article/details/95345841
2019-12-21 21:44:10 66.74MB webgl 飞行管理
glTF Viewer:使用three.js在WebGL中对glTF 2.0模型进行拖放预览
2019-12-21 21:40:13 8.95MB JavaScript开发-可视化/图表
2019-12-21 21:38:16 118B WebGL Three.js