2021-09-22 15:31:35 4.36MB 英文电机资料 高性能电机控制
The material in this document details an Object Management Group specification in accordance with the terms, conditions and notices set forth below. This document does not represent a commitment to implement any portion of this specification in any company's products. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
2021-09-22 10:14:46 3.1MB DDS 规范 1.2
Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems Version 1.2 OMG Available Specification formal/09-01-01
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The Elements of Computing Systems Building a Modern Computer from First Principles 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-09-21 23:46:16 4.26MB Elements Computing Systems Building
Understanding Concurrent Systems,深入理解并行系统
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整理的Fundamentals of Communication Systems John G. Proakis Masoud Salehi 习题答案,不是电子书 Second Edition 课后答案
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敏捷系统工程,Douglass博士的大作,2016年的新书。Douglass presents a vision of systems engineering in which precise specification of requirements, structure and behavior fuse with larger concerns, such as safety, security, reliability and performance in an agile engineering context.
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英文版电气工程 在美国很多学校EE在用的教程 Author Ned Mohan has been a leader in EES education and research for decades. His three-book series on Power Electronics focuses on three essential topics in the power sequence based on applications relevant to this age of sustainable energy such as wind turbines and hybrid electric vehicles. The three topics include power electronics, power systems and electric machines.
2021-09-19 13:30:02 117.02MB CS
全英文版的自动控制理论,第9版。因为受单次上传大小的限制,所以分成3个部分,还请见谅。此为第二部分。 本电子资源仅供业内参考,如有需要还请尊重版权,购买正版书籍。 简介: Automatic Control Systems provides engineers with a fresh new controls book that places special emphasis on mechatronics. It follows a revolutionary approach by actually including a physical lab. In addition, readers will find authoritative coverage of modern design tools and examples. Current mechatronics applications build motivation to learn the material. Extensive use of virtual lab software is also integrated throughout the chapters. Engineers will gain a strong understand of control systems with the help of modern examples and exercises. Amazon原价$208 淘宝5元卖的那种,可以下载了打印
2021-09-19 11:03:30 43.4MB 自动控制理论 教材 英文 benjamin