Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming is an advanced guide of ROS that is very suitable for readers who already have a basic knowledge in ROS. ROS is widely used in robotics companies, universities, and robotics research institutes for designing, building, and simulating a robot model and interfacing it into real hardware. ROS is now an essential requirement for Robotic engineers; this guide can help you acquire knowledge of ROS and can also help you polish your skills in ROS using interactive examples. Even though it is an advanced guide, you can see the basics of ROS in the first chapter to refresh the concepts. It also helps ROS beginners. The book mainly focuses on the advanced concepts of ROS, such as ROS Navigation stack, ROS MoveIt!, ROS plugins, nodelets, controllers, ROS Industrial, and so on.
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2019-12-21 20:16:59 28.79MB ROS 机器人 操作系统
KUKA Robot外部轴配置: 1.外部轴单轴配置 2.外部轴耦合配置 3.用WorkVisual进行外部轴配置说明
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书是chm格式的,能直接打开不用阅读器的,要是打不开右键——属性——解除锁定就可以了 这本书非常著名,是机器人运动规划方面的权威著作。但是不知道为什么国内好像没有引进。搞机器人运动规划的基本上都知道它。网上关于这本书的资料也很少。拿出来跟大家分享,chm格式的。
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2019-12-21 20:12:16 1.34MB DeltaRobot 并联机器人 运动学 正解
Robot Motion Planning and Control, Laboratoire d'Analye et d'Architecture des Systemes Centre National de la Recherche Scientique LAAS report 97438 Foreword How can a robot decide what motions to perform in order to achieve tasks in the physical world ? The existing industrial robot programming systems still have very limited motion planning capabilities. Moreover the eld of robotics is growing: space exploration, undersea work, intervention in hazardous environments, servicing robotics : : : Motion planning appears as one of the components for the necessary autonomy of the robots in such real contexts. It is also a fundamental issue in robot simulation software to help work cell designers to determine collision free paths for robots performing specic tasks.
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Robot Framework3.0中文手册,详细介绍了Robot Framework的使用安装和用法。
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Robot Framework --源代码分析》是对诺基亚西门子公司开发的自动化测试框架Robot Framework的源代码的详细分析,从框架对测试用例的解析、调度、测试库的导入进行了详细深入的分析。对自动化测试工程师的帮助非常的大!
2019-12-21 20:09:37 6.38MB Robot Framework 诺西 自动化测试