充电桩欧标DIN70121 第一层协议分析(中文版),主要包括: 1:总体架构、层次描述 2:layer-1层描述
2023-03-23 20:32:21 2.35MB 充电桩海外标准
3.1 标准应用电路 47R 47R LS VCC_IO TMC5160 SPI interface CSN SCK SDO SDI reference switch processing R E F L /S T E P R E F R /D IR DIAG / INT out and Single wire interface 5V Voltage regulator charge pump 22n 100V 100n 16V DIAG0/SWN CLK_IN DIAG1/SWP +VM 5VOUT VSA 2.2µ +VIO D R V _ E N N G N D D G N D A T S T _ M O D E D IE P A D VCC opt. ext. clock 12-16MHz 3.3V or 5V I/O voltage 100n 100n Controller LS stepper motor N S BMA2 Chopper 100n SRAH CE Optional use lower voltage down to 12V 2R2 470n Use low inductivity SMD type, e.g. 1210 or 2512 resistor for RS! Encoder unit A B N E N C B _ D C E N E N C A _ D C IN E N C N _ D C O Encoder input / dcStep control in S/D mode S D _ M O D E S P I_ M O D E opt. driver enable B.Dwersteg, © TRINAMIC 2014 RS SRAL LA1 LA2 HA1 HA2 BMA1 HS HS CA1 CB CA2 CB +VM LS LS BMB2 SRBH RS SRBL LB1 LB2 HB1 HB2 BMB1 HS HS CB1 CB CB2 CB +VM Both GND: UART mode C P I C P O V C P V S 11.5V Voltage regulator 12VOUT 2.2µ mode selection Bootstrap capacitors CB: 220nF for MOSFETs with QG<20nC, 470nF for larger QG 470n 470n Keep inductivity of the fat interconnections as small as possible to avoid undershoot of BM <-5V! RG RG RG RG RG RG RG RG Slope control resistors RG: Adapt to MOSFET to yield slopes of roughly 100ns. Slope must be slower than bulk diode recovery time. 47R 47R +VIO pd pd pd +VIO 图 3.1 标准电路 标准路使用最少的外部器件。根据所需的电流、电压和封装类型选择八个 MOSFET。两个采样电阻 设置电机线圈电流。请参阅第 8 章选择正确的采样电阻。电源滤波选用低 ESR 电容。为获得最佳性能, 建议功率桥附近线圈电流的最小容量为 100μF /安培。电容需要吸收斩波器操作产生的电流纹波。电源电 容上的电流纹波也取决于电源内阻和电缆长度。VCC _ IO 可以从 5VOUT 或外部电源(例如 3.3V 调节器)提 供。在 VM 高的应用中为了降低内部 5V 和 11.5V 稳压器的线性稳压器功耗,VSA 应该使用不同(较低)的 电源电压(参见第 0 章)。 基本布线提示 将采样电阻和所有滤波电容尽可能靠近功率 MOSFETs。 TMC5160靠近MOSFETs放置,短线互连线, 以最小化寄生电感。所有的 GND、GNDA、 GNDD 及采样电阻 GND,使用一个公共地。5VOUT 滤波电容 直接连到 5VOUT 和 GNDA 引脚。有关详细信息,请参阅布局提示。VS 滤波推荐使用低 ESR 电解电容。
2023-03-23 14:56:16 3.19MB TMC5160
规范髓鞘水图谱是通过在 MNI 空间中对来自 50 个健康大脑的髓鞘图像进行联合配准和平均来创建的,以描绘大脑中髓鞘含量的总体平均值和变异性。 使用髓鞘水成像获取个体受试者的髓鞘图像。 有关髓鞘水成像技术及其分析的详细信息,请访问:https://mriresearch.med.ubc.ca/news-projects/myelin-water-fraction/。 创建的髓鞘水图谱及其标准偏差可作为您自己的髓鞘相关研究的参考。 这项工作的完整描述可以在这篇论文中找到:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31347238。
2023-03-23 13:52:08 41.78MB 开源软件
2023-03-22 20:20:14 137.54MB geomap
2023-03-22 17:10:36 6.85MB POSIX
2023-03-22 11:44:05 482.72MB ML302 OpenCpu SDK 资料
深入理解C++11新特性解析与应用.pdf 深入理解C++11:C++11新特性解析与应用》主要内容:[0国0]内[0首0]本全面深入解读C++11新标准的专著,由C++标准委员[0会0]代表和IBM XL编译器中[0国0]开发团队共同撰写。不仅详细阐述了C++11标准的设计原则,而且系统地讲解了C++11新标准中的所有新语言特性、新标准库特性、对原有特性的改进,以及如何应用所有这些新特性。
2023-03-22 10:51:26 33.56MB C++ C++11 标准库
JJF 1001-2011 通用计量术语及定义技术规范
2023-03-22 10:21:25 12.32MB 国家标准
内含IEEE1344-1995(R2001)PDF文档 、 基于FPGA的IRIG_B解码电路设计与实现PDF文档、VERLOG解码代码实现 IEEE Standard for Synchrophasors for Power Systems 1. Overview 1.1 Scope This is a standard for synchronized phasor measurement systems in substations. It addresses synchronization of data sampling, data-to-phasor conversions, and formats for timing input and phasor data output from a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). It does not specify response time, accuracy, hardware, software, or a process for computing phasors. 1.2 Purpose This standard defines synchronized phasor measurements in substations so that the measurement equipment can be readily interfaced with associated systems. It specifies data formats and synchronization requirements to allow correlating phasors from various sources and comparing them with similar data from different measurement systems. 1.3 Need for this standard Recent developments in the field of power system data acquisition provide users with the ability to record, time-tag, transmit, and analyze power system phasor quantities in real time. Given the emphasis on future system development, many different hardware and software approaches are being implemented to make the phasor data available. A standard is needed for integrating measurement systems into substation environments, to specify data output formats, and to assure that the measurement processes are producing comparable results. The synchrophasor standard will help ensure maximum benefits from the phasor measurements and will allow interchange of data between a wide variety of users of both real time and off-line phasor measurements. 2. References This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
2023-03-21 20:25:27 317KB 标准的同步相对于电力系统 B码
2023-03-21 18:24:10 41KB DES算法 S盒 传统加密算法