GDPR 对 AI 的挑战和基于联邦迁移学习的对策; 智能互联网时代N倍数的产业机遇; 大规模图像理解、分割新进展; 机器学习与人工智能; 自然语言处理方法与应用;
2022-09-28 21:35:36 5.04MB GDPR 联邦学习 迁移学习 AI安全
被动资产识别 从人工到AI.pdf
2022-09-28 13:00:14 4.73MB
Title: Unity AI Programming Essentials Author: Curtis Bennett, Dan Violet Sagmiller Length: 158 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2014-12-26 ISBN-10: 1783553553 ISBN-13: 9781783553556 Use Unity3D, a popular game development ecosystem, to add realistic AI to your games quickly and effortlessly About This Book Implement pathfinding, pathfollowing, and use navigation mesh generation to move your AI characters within the game environment Use behaviour trees to design logic for your game characters and make them “think” A practical guide that will not only cover the basics of AI frameworks but also will teach how to customize them Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at developers who know the basics of game development with Unity and want to learn how to add AI to their games. You do not need any previous AI knowledge; this book will explain all the essential AI concepts and show you how to add and use them in your games. In Detail Unity is a powerful cross-platform game creation system that includes a game engine and integrated development environment (IDE). AI programming in Unity is a key task for any game developer as it gives you the ability to make computer characters think and behave like a living organism. This book focuses on the different AI tasks that are essential for game development using Unity. It includes topics such as defining "minds" for your characters with behavior trees. Furthermore, it covers more specialized AI tasks such as how to implement AI crowds and how to create driving AI for vehicles. We have a section dedicated to NavMesh, one of the most important aspects of pathfinding, that will show you how to customize the mesh generation to handle different use cases for different characters. This is a practical book as it uses several popular Unity plugins such as RAIN and React AI to accomplish different AI tasks. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Pathfinding Chapter 2: Patrolling Chapter 3: Behavior Trees Chapter 4: Crowd Chaos Chapter 5: Crowd Control Chapter 6: Sensors and Activities Chapter 7: Adaptation Chapter 8: Attacking Chapter 9: Driving Chapter 10: Animation and AI Chapter 11: Advanced NavMesh Generation
2022-09-28 08:31:54 4.81MB Unity AI
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2022-09-26 23:51:19 34.67MB 人工智能 ai识别
旋转目标检测标注工具roLabelImg在windows下封装的exe包 保留了原始快捷键
2022-09-26 12:05:12 41.58MB AI 数据标注 目标检测 旋转目标检测
AI_MainGameOptimizations 该插件解决了AIS的帧速率问题,以使主游戏更具可玩性。 目的是在不牺牲图形质量的情况下提高帧速率。 所做的更改非常广泛,因此代码中可能存在一些错误……请经常检查更新。 如果您不喜欢该行为,则可以自定义所有更改。 使用我提供的默认设置,我从主岛上的大约10-20 fps变为大约30-40 fps。 仍然偶尔会挂断电话,主要是在加载/更换角色时。 以下是此插件执行的所有优化的列表: 角色优化 通过可见性和范围禁用所有角色上的所有动态骨骼。 幻觉通过可见性禁用了某些动态骨骼,但是用户添加的动态骨骼始终处于启用状态。 HScenes中的角色已启用所有动态骨骼。 剔除不可见角色的动画。 跳过IK解算器以查找不可见的角色。 跳过不可见字符的头部方向求解器。 油门AI检查附近是否有可以交互的项目。 世界优化 将主要的岛地形组件移动到可以对其进行裁剪的新
2022-09-24 23:40:11 35KB C#
NARS(Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System),即非公理化推理系统,中文名为纳思,目标是创造通用的“思考机器”。美国天普大学 (Temple University) 计算机与信息科学系王培教授于1995年提出。 NARS由逻辑部分和控制部分组成。逻辑部分即非公理化逻辑(Non-Axiomatic Logic,简称NAL),采用专用的形式语言Narsese表示。
2022-09-24 13:07:02 4.35MB NARS AGI 通用人工智能 AI