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2021-11-11 16:00:50 28.84MB 安全热点 iphone illustrator Linux
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2021-11-09 18:00:16 20.17MB 渗透测试
2021-11-07 17:54:44 36.32MB 物流管理系统 源代码 设计文档
汽车转售价值预测 这是一个Web应用程序,用于预测二手车的转售价值。 您也可以在访问Web应用程序。 使用的数据集 车辆数据集-来自Kaggle “ car data.csv”文件用于培训 使用的技术 Python 烧瓶 随机森林回归 泡菜 需要安装 点击== 7.1.2 烧瓶== 1.1.2 itsdangerous == 1.1.0 Jinja2 == 2.11.3 joblib == 1.0.1 MarkupSafe == 1.1.1 numpy的> = 1.19.5 scikit学习== 0.24.1 scipy> = 1.5.4 sklearn == 0.0 threadpoolctl == 2.1.0 Werkzeug == 1.0.1
2021-11-04 23:46:12 442KB JupyterNotebook
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2021-11-04 22:53:29 799KB 系统开源
2021-11-04 22:07:26 309B Oracle 相克军
This book presents a selection of the research that grew from the editors’ early collaboration on “Prospect Theory,” the landmark article that offered the first compelling alternative to the standard “rational agent” model of choice under risk. In the spirit of the highly influential volume Judgment Under Uncertainty, first published in 1982, this book collects numerous theoretical and empirical articles that have become classics, important extensions, and applications that range from principles of legal compensation to the behavior of New York cab drivers on busy days. Several surveys prepared especially for this volume illustrate the scope and vigor of the behavioral study of choice.
2021-11-04 20:00:54 10.07MB Daniel
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2021-11-04 15:11:58 40.71MB java 游戏 rpg