介绍云计算的一本入门书籍,共六部分,pdf格式,339页,英文版。 Contents at a Glance Introduction Part I: Introducing Cloud Computing Part II: Understanding the Nature of the Cloud Part III: Examining the Cloud Elements Part IV: Managing the Cloud Part V: Planning for the Cloud Part VI: The Part of Tens Index.
2021-08-31 09:27:55 6.91MB Cloud Computing for Dummies
introduction to probability(权威英文原版书) 是学习概率的好参考书,还是国外的教材写得简单透彻
2021-08-30 19:26:11 3.06MB probability
解压密码:share.weimo.info The Birth and Death of the Personal ComputerIn the 1970s, while their contemporaries were protesting the computer as a tool of dehumanization and oppression, a motley collection of college dropouts, hippies, and electronics fanatics were engaged in something much more subversive. Obsessed with the of getting computer power into their own hands, they launched from their garages a hobbyist movement that grew into an industry, and ultimately a social and technological revolution. What they did was invent the personal computer: not just a new device, but a watershed in the relationship between man and machine. This is their story.Fire in the Valley is the definitive history of the personal computer, drawn from interviews with the people who made it happen, written by two veteran computer writers who were there from the start. Working at InfoWorld in the early 1980s, Swaine and Freiberger daily rubbed elbows with people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates when they were creating the personal computer revolution.A rich story of colorful individuals, Fire in the Valley profiles these unlikely revolutionaries and entrepreneurs, such as Ed Roberts of MITS, Lee Felsenstein at Processor Technology, and Jack Tramiel of Commodore, as well as Jobs and Gates in all the innocence of their formative years.This completely revised and expanded brings the story to its completion, chronicling the end of the personal computer revolution and the beginning of the post-PC era. It covers the departure from the stage of major players with the deaths of Steve Jobs and Douglas Engelbart and the retirements of Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer; the shift away from the PC to the cloud and portable devices; and what the end of the PC era means for issues such as personal freedom and power, and open source vs. proprietary software.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-30 19:07:11 14.5MB 英文
2021-08-30 14:13:00 9.93MB sqlserver
笨办法学python3是专门为Python初学者准备的一个电子书资料,本书的目的是让你起步编程。虽然说是用“Hard Way”(笨办法)学习写程序,但其实并非如此。所谓的“笨办法”指的是本文的教学方式,也就是所谓的“指令式”教学。在这个过程中,我会让你完成一系列习题,而你则通过反复练习来学到技能,这些习题也是专为反复练习而设计的。对于一无所知的初学者来说,在能理解更复杂的话题之前,这种教授方式效果是很好的。你可以在各种场合看到这种教授方式,从武术到音乐不一而足,甚至在学习基本的算术和阅读技能时也会看到这种教学方式。
2021-08-29 13:07:44 4.37MB python python3 英文书籍 电子书
本书是2017年10月20号正式出版的,和第1版的不同之处有: 包括Python教程内的所有代码升级为Python 3.6(第1版使用的是Python 2.7) 更新了Anaconda和其它包的Python安装方法 更新了Pandas为2017最新版 新增了一章,关于更高级的Pandas工具,外加一些tips 简要介绍了使用StatsModels和scikit-learn 对有些内容进行了重新排版。(译者注1:最大的改变是把第1版附录中的Python教程,单列成了现在的第2章和第3章,并且进行了扩充。可以说,本书第2版对新手更为友好了!) (译者注2:毫无疑问,本书是学习Python数据分析最好的参考书(另一本不错的是《Pandas Cookbook》)。本来想把书名直接译为《Python数据分析》,这样更简短。但是为了尊重第1版的翻译,考虑到继承性,还是用老书名。这样读过第一版的老读者可以方便的用之前的书名检索到第二版。作者在写第二版的时候,有些文字是照搬第一版的。所以第二版的翻译也借鉴copy了第一版翻译:即,如果第二版中有和第一版相同的文字,则copy第一版的中文译本,觉得不妥的地方会稍加修改,剩下的不同的内容就自己翻译。这样做也是为读过第一版的老读者考虑——相同的内容可以直接跳过。)
2021-08-29 10:18:50 9.12MB python analysis
Software engineering Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation SQuaRE Requirements for quality of Commercial Off The Shelf COTS software product and instructions for testing
2021-08-28 11:51:08 434KB ISO IEC 25051
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is now considered one of the most essential and cost-effective techniques in the assessment of a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases. A remarkably versatile, minimally invasive procedure, it also calls for a high level of anatomic knowledge and technical prowess. This revised and updated lavishly illustrated volume -- a textbook and atlas in one -- offers medical professionals the most comprehensive overview of EUS available, as well as a wealth of valuable insights from leaders in the field.  Features: ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-26 23:46:26 54.23MB 英文
2021-08-26 19:35:19 1.44MB Shell脚本 英文原版 高清