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2023-12-05 20:23:17 55KB linux
Prentice.Essential Linux Device Drivers.2008 一个老外写的,写的非常详细 Chapter 1. Introduction Evolution The GNU Copyleft Kernel.org Mailing Lists and Forums Linux Distributions Looking at the Sources Building the Kernel Loadable Modules Before Starting Chapter 2. A Peek Inside the Kernel Booting Up Kernel Mode and User Mode Process Context and Interrupt Context Kernel Timers Concurrency in the Kernel Process Filesystem Allocating Memory Looking at the Sources Chapter 3. Kernel Facilities Kernel Threads Helper Interfaces Looking at the Sources Chapter 4. Laying the Groundwork Introducing Devices and Drivers Interrupt Handling The Linux Device Model Memory Barriers Power Management Looking at the Sources Chapter 5. Character Drivers Char Driver Basics Device Example: System CMOS Sensing Data Availability Talking to the Parallel Port RTC Subsystem Pseudo Char Drivers Misc Drivers Character Caveats Looking at the Sources Chapter 6. Serial Drivers Layered Architecture UART Drivers TTY Drivers Line Disciplines Looking at the Sources Chapter 7. Input Drivers Input Event Drivers Input Device Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 8. The Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol What's I2C/SMBus? I2C Core Bus Transactions Device Example: EEPROM Device Example: Real Time Clock I2C-dev Hardware Monitoring Using LM-Sensors The Serial Peripheral Interface Bus The 1-Wire Bus Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 9. PCMCIA and Compact Flash What's PCMCIA/CF? Linux-PCMCIA Subsystem Host Controller Drivers PCMCIA Core Driver Services Client Drivers Tying the Pieces Together PCMCIA Storage Serial PCMCIA Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 10. Peripheral Component Interconnect The PCI Family Addressing and Identification Accessing PCI Regions Direct Memory Access Device Example: Ethernet-Modem Card Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 11. Universal Serial Bus USB Architecture Linux-USB Subsystem Driver Data Structures Enumeration Device Example: Telemetry Card Class Drivers Gadget Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 12. Video Drivers Display Architecture Linux-Video Subsystem Display Parameters The Frame Buffer API Frame Buffer Drivers Console Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 13. Audio Drivers Audio Architecture Linux-Sound Subsystem Device Example: MP3 Player Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 14. Block Drivers Storage Technologies Linux Block I/O Layer I/O Schedulers Block Driver Data Structures and Methods Device Example: Simple Storage Controller Advanced Topics Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 15. Network Interface Cards Driver Data Structures Talking with Protocol Layers Buffer Management and Concurrency Control Device Example: Ethernet NIC ISA Network Drivers Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network Throughput Looking at the Sources Chapter 16. Linux Without Wires Bluetooth Infrared WiFi Cellular Networking Current Trends Chapter 17. Memory Technology Devices What's Flash Memory? Linux-MTD Subsystem Map Drivers NOR Chip Drivers NAND Chip Drivers User Modules MTD-Utils Configuring MTD eXecute In Place The Firmware Hub Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 18. Embedding Linux Challenges Component Selection Tool Chains Embedded Bootloaders Memory Layout Kernel Porting Embedded Drivers The Root Filesystem Test Infrastructure Debugging Chapter 19. Drivers in User Space Process Scheduling and Response Times Accessing I/O Regions Accessing Memory Regions User Mode SCSI User Mode USB User Mode I2C UIO Looking at the Sources Chapter 20. More Devices and Drivers ECC Reporting Frequency Scaling Embedded Controllers ACPI ISA and MCA FireWire Intelligent Input/Output Amateur Radio Voice over IP High-Speed Interconnects Chapter 21. Debugging Device Drivers Kernel Debuggers Kernel Probes Kexec and Kdump Profiling Tracing Linux Test Project User Mode Linux Diagnostic Tools Kernel Hacking Config Options Test Equipment Chapter 22. Maintenance and Delivery Coding Style Change Markers Version Control Consistent Checksums Build Scripts Portable Code Chapter 23. Shutting Down Checklist What Next? Appendix A. Linux Assembly Debugging Appendix B. Linux and the BIOS Real Mode Calls Protected Mode Calls BIOS and Legacy Drivers Appendix C. Seq Files The Seq File Advantage Updating the NVRAM Driver Looking at the Sources
2023-12-05 18:11:20 5.42MB linux驱动开发
全面且详细的Linux设备驱动程序教材。Very comprehensive and detailed Linux device driver book.
2023-12-05 18:00:00 4.08MB Linux Device Driver
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