2021-08-01 22:24:22 1.73MB unity shader
2021-08-01 19:24:23 66.44MB unity
2021-07-31 21:55:33 4.74MB 后处理 颜色调整 亮度 饱和度
在UGUI开发中 会遇到以下情况,scrollview 下面有item附带粒子特效(道具选中特效)由于UGUI内置的Mask 裁剪不了 粒子,示例u3d项目展示shader scrollview 裁剪
2021-07-30 16:28:49 77KB unity shader mask裁剪粒子特效
This is the first book approaching the topic of shaders in such an accessible manner. By taking a simple, easy-to-follow approach to the high-level language of this topic and separating itself from 3D API's "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" brings the world of real-time shading to a broad audience, ranging from the game programming hobbyist to the seasoned game developer. This unique combination of its simple approach and the wide variety of techniques that are covered makes "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" a one-of-a-kind guide that can serve as both a tutorial for the classroom and a reference manual that can be used by developers throughout the development cycle.
2021-07-29 18:05:25 27.79MB shader 游戏开发
2021-07-28 15:39:51 4.15MB shader
Amplify Shader Editor全版本与教程下载
2021-07-26 20:35:03 121B shader unity AmplifyShaderE
一款低多边形资源包,包括角色、道具、武器、车辆和环境资源,以创建科幻主题的低多边形风格游戏。 模块部分可以很轻松地以各种方式组合。 (包括演示场景) 主要功能 - 509 unique assets with x24 alternative texture colors. 车辆 (x9) - 装甲卡车、经典款轿车、垃圾车、悬停自行车、复古轿车、Sweepo、未来款轿车、出租车、警车。 角色 (×20) - 外星人01、外星人02、女性机器人01、男性增强人01、警察01、赛博女性01、赛博男性02、赛博朋克男性01、赛博格忍者01、垃圾男性01、女性黑客01、全息女性01、毒瘾男性01、毒瘾女性01、男性医生01、男性和尚01、肌肉男01、男富豪01、女富豪01、机器人01。 (颜色可选) 武器 (x18) (带有各种附件) 特效 (x17) - 随附大量精彩内容(详情请参阅布局截图) - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画) - 包括自定义着色器以与可脚本化渲染管线 (URP) 一起使用(在 Unity 2019.1 及更高版本中有效) Compatibility - 适用于 Unity 2017.1 及更高版本 - Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here for Custom Shaders - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画)
2021-07-26 11:07:25 121B unity shader polygon lowpoly
Lux Plus is the commercial branch of the open source Lux shader framework and brings Lux's advanced lighting features such as skin, translucent and anisotropic lighting to the deferred rendering pipeline — all without adding any additional data to the built in gbuffers. So unlike other solutions Lux Plus will not stress your memory bandwidth furthermore but uses a cleverly packed default gbuffer. Lux Plus has been successfully tested with DX11, DX9 and OpenGLCore on Win and Mac using nvidia GPUs and Unity 5.4.2, Unity 5.5.0b10, Unity 5.6.1., Unity 2017.2.0f3 and Unity 2018.1. and above. Lighting features - Fast approximated area lights - Diffuse fill lights - Deferred pre-integrated Skin Lighting and wrinkle maps - Deferred translucent Lighting - Deferred anisotropic Lighting* (read more) - Deferred lambert lighting - Diffuse scattering or fuzz lighting - Specular Anti Aliasing - Horizon Occlusion Surface features - Dynamic weather - Mix mapping - Parallax, parallax occlusion and tessellation - Double sided rendering Although Lux ships with a rather flexible standard shader it allows you write custom surface shaders which will take full advantage of all feature mentioned above. In order to make this as easy as possible Lux offers a bunch of predefined shader macros and ships with various example surface shaders including: - Tessellation - Geometry based refraction - Geometry based deferred decals Lux Plus and Image Effects As Lux Plus packs Unity’s built in GBuffer in a special way, image effects, which rely on data from the GBuffer, will most likely break. But Lux Plus ships with fixes for the Cinematic Image Effects (Lux 2.01 only), Unity's Post Processing Stack and Amplify Occlusion. (read more)
2021-07-26 11:07:25 121B unity shader pbr
Shader+UGUI仿制Unity环形拾色器,相关技术文章: https://blog.csdn.net/sdhexu/article/details/119083825?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501
2021-07-25 18:06:06 36KB UGUI Shader 拾色器 环形拾色器