Computer games are a vast medium with dozens of genres that have developed over the past three to four decades. Games are bigger and more immersive than ever, and gamers' expectations have never been higher. While linear games, ones that have a set story and fxed progression, are still commonplace, more and more dynamic and open-ended games are being developed. Advances in computer hardware and video game technologies are giving a much more literal meaning to the phrase "game world". Game maps are constantly increasing in size and flexibility, and it's thanks to technologies such as procedural generation that it's possible. Two gamers who buy the same game may have very different experiences as content is generated on the fly
2021-12-28 16:27:46 12.59MB c++ game
很好的书啊 3D+Math+Primer+for+Graphics+and+Game+Development.pdf 经典教课书
2021-12-27 19:43:27 32.45MB python game guessnumber pyqt
连接4游戏 Connect Four是一个类似井字游戏的游戏,其中两个玩家将光盘放入7x6板上。 第一个连续获得四个(垂直,水平或对角线)的玩家获胜。 这是该游戏在Java中作为UNCC数据结构和算法课程ITCS_6114的项目的实现
2021-12-27 19:15:17 605KB Java
CruiseYoung提供的带有详细书签的电子书籍目录 该资料是《游戏编程精粹8》一书的随书光盘代码:共两部分,这是第1部分 游戏编程精粹8 基本信息 中文名: 游戏编程精粹8 原名: Game Programming Gems 8 作者: Adam Lake 图书分类: 软件 资源格式: PDF 版本: 插图版 出版社: Course Technology 书号: 1584507020 发行时间: 2010年03月01日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 内容简介 本书为《Game Programming Gems》系列的第八卷。在这一版当中,我们将广泛地探讨重要的实时图形方面,如Larrabee, PlayStation 3, 以及DirectX 11计算着色器。此外在本书中,处在第一线的业内顶级开发商如:Blizzard,id, Bizarre Creations, Nexon,以及Intel's Advanced Visual Computing group,还分享了他们如何以最佳的方式利用图形硬件为游戏创建高品质视觉效果的真知灼见。 目录 Face -15 Contents -12 Preface -6 Contributors -1 Section 1 Graphics 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Fast Font Rendering with Instancing 3 1.2 Principles and Practice of Screen Space Ambient Occlusion 12 1.3 Multi-Resolution Deferred Shading 32 1.4 View Frustum Culling of Catmull-Clark Patches in DirectX 11 39 1.5 Ambient Occlusion Using DirectX Compute Shader 50 1.6 Eye-View Pixel Anti-Aliasing for Irregular Shadow Mapping 74 1.7 Overlapped Execution on Programmable Graphics Hardware 90 1.8 Techniques for Effective Vertex and Fragment Shading on the SPUs 101 Section 2 Physics and Animation 119 Introduction 119 2.1 A Versatile and Interactive Anatomical Human Face Model 121 2.2 Curved Paths for Seamless Character Animation 132 2.3 Non-Iterative, Closed-Form, Inverse Kinematic Chain Solver (NCF IK) 141 2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization for Game Programming 152 2.5 Improved Numerical Integration with Analytical Techniques 168 2.6 What a Drag: Modeling Realistic Three-Dimensional Air and Fluid Resistance 183 2.7 Application of Quasi-Fluid Dynamics for Arbitrary Closed Meshes 194 2.8 Approximate Convex Decomposition for Real-Time Collision Detection 202 Section 3 AI 211 Introduction 211 3.1 AI Level of Detail for Really Large Worlds 213 3.2 A Pattern-Based Approach to Modular AI for Games 232 3.3 Automated Navigation Mesh Generation Using Advanced Growth-Based Techniques 244 3.4 A Practical Spatial Architecture for Animal and Agent Navigation 256 3.5 Applying Control Theory to Game AI and Physics 264 3.6 Adaptive Tactic Selection in First-Person Shooter (FPS) Games 279 3.7 Embracing Chaos Theory: Generating Apparent Unpredictability through Deterministic Systems 288 3.8 Needs-Based AI 302 3.9 A Framework for Emotional Digital Actors 312 3.10 Scalable Dialog Authoring 323 3.11 Graph-Based Data Mining for Player Trace Analysis in MMORPGs 335 Section 4 General Programming 353 Introduction 353 4.1 Fast-IsA 355 4.2 Registered Variables 363 4.3 Efficient and Scalable Multi-Core Programming 373 4.4 Game Optimization through the Lens of Memory and Data Access 385 4.5 Stack Allocation 393 4.6 Design and Implementation of an In-Game Memory Profiler 402 4.7 A More Informative Error Log Generator 409 4.8 Code Coverage for QA 416 4.9 Domain-Specific Languages in Game Engines 428 4.10 A Flexible User Interface Layout System for Divergent Environments 442 4.11 Road Creation for Projectable Terrain Meshes 453 4.12 Developing for Digital Drawing Tablets 462 4.13 Creating a Multi-Threaded Actor-Based Architecture Using Intel® Threading Building Blocks 473 Section 5 Networking and Multiplayer 485 Introduction 485 5.1 Secure Channel Communication 487 5.2 Social Networks in Games: Playing with Your Facebook Friends 498 5.3 Asynchronous I/O for Scalable Game Servers 506 5.4 Introduction to 3D Streaming Technology in Massively Multiplayer Online Games 514 Section 6 Audio 539 Introduction 539 6.1 A Practical DSP Radio Effect 542 6.2 Empowering Your Audio Team with a Great Engine 553 6.3 Real-Time Sound Synthesis for Rigid Bodies 563 Section 7 General Purpose Computing on GPUs 573 Introduction 573 7.1 Using Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures with OpenCL 575 7.2 PhysX GPU Rigid Bodies in Batman: Arkham Asylum 590 7.3 Fast GPU Fluid Simulation in PhysX 602 Index 616 A 616 B 616 C 617 D 618 E 618 F 619 G 619 H 619 I 619 J 620 K 620 L 620 M 620 N 621 O 622 P 622 Q 623 R 623 S 623 T 624 U 625 V 625 W 625 X 625 Y 625 Z 625
2021-12-26 23:29:30 90MB 游戏编程精粹 Game Programming Gems
2021-12-26 18:02:32 135.15MB java; game
This is the first book approaching the topic of shaders in such an accessible manner. By taking a simple, easy-to-follow approach to the high-level language of this topic and separating itself from 3D API's "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" brings the world of real-time shading to a broad audience, ranging from the game programming hobbyist to the seasoned game developer. This unique combination of its simple approach and the wide variety of techniques that are covered makes "Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists" a one-of-a-kind guide that can serve as both a tutorial for the classroom and a reference manual that can be used by developers throughout the development cycle.
2021-12-26 13:33:51 27.79MB Shader 编程
2021-12-25 23:32:03 63.54MB game python engine visual
Game-EC[4.3]独立团模块 易语言的,关于独立团大家肯定知道的 正版的
2021-12-25 04:59:41 4.91MB 独立团 模块 Game-EC
通过串行 RS232 在 Xilinx FPGA 上进行 Verilog HDL Pong 游戏。 该项目在 XUPV2P 板上开发。 对于另一块板,只需将 verilog (*.v) 文件复制到新项目中即可轻松移植。 特征: 开始菜单 分数 2人 使用键盘通过 RS232 作为输入 [W,S , Up,Down] 进行控制 TODO:(欢迎贡献。) 添加颜色 秘籍 物品 其他版本 许可证:麻省理工学院许可证。 *您可以使用终端或腻子在 RS232(无差异位)协议上进行通信。 如果您有问题,请确保设置的 buad rate 正确,另一个可能是计时。 感谢 for RS232 Transmitter/Receiver
2021-12-22 20:49:55 1.64MB Verilog