ˇ GDA(GJoy Dex分析仪) GDA是新的Dalvik字节码反编译器,以C ++实现,具有以下优点:分析速度更快,内存和磁盘消耗更低,并且反编译APK,DEX,ODEX,OAT文件的能力更强(自3.79开始支持JAR,CLASS和AAR文件) 。 GDA完全独立,并且无需安装Java VM即可运行,因此无需任何额外配置即可在任何新安装的Windows系统和虚拟机系统中正常运行。 GDA Decompiler项目始于2013年,2015年在发布了其第一个版本1.0。 GDA还是一个功能强大且快速的反向分析平台。 它不仅支持基本的反编译操作,而且还具有许多出色的功能,例如恶意行为检测,隐私泄漏检测,漏洞检测,路径解决,打包程序标识,变量跟踪分析,反混淆,Python和Java脚本,设备内存提取,数据解密和加密等 所有出色的功能如下:
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The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3.pdf, RFC 8446
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最新Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor中文完美破解版,汉化包已经集合在里面了,进入后点击option选项 把里面的语言改为中文就可以了。
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Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know (Expert's Voice) Neil Daswani (Author), Christoph Kern (Author), Anita Kesavan (Author) Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Apress (February 16, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 1590597842
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Wiliiam Stallings' Network Security: Applications and Standards, 4/e is a practical survey of network security applications and standards, with unmatched support for instructors and students. In this age of universal electronic connectivity, viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. Network Security: Applications and Standards, 4/e provides a practical survey of network security applications and standards, with an emphasis on applications that are widely used on the Internet and for corporate networks. An unparalleled support package for instructors and students ensures a successful teaching and learning experience. Adapted from Cryptography and Network Security, Fifth Edition, this text covers the same topics but with a much more concise treatment of cryptography. Network Security, 4/e also covers SNMP security, which is not covered in the fifth edition. Highlights include: expanded coverage of pseudorandom number generation; new coverage of federated identity, HTTPS, Secure Shell (SSH) and wireless network security; completely rewritten and updated coverage of IPsec; and a new chapter on legal and ethical issues.
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