用.net调用ABB机器人的pc sdk,登录机器人控制器,并可以读取机器人变量,同时可以往机器人变量写值。
2019-12-21 21:18:44 102KB abb robot
2019-12-21 21:18:22 32.59MB robot工具箱
This book will leverage the power of ROS with an introduction to its core and advanced concepts through exciting recipes. You will get acquainted with the use of different synchronous and asynchronous communication methods, including messages, services, and actions. You will learn how to use the various debugging and visualization tools used in development and how to interface sensors and actuators with the ROS framework. Firstly, you will get to grips with ROS simulation frameworks, such as Gazebo and RotorS for modeling and simulating any physical robot and virtual environment. You will also cover mobile robotics, micro-aerial vehicles, and robotic arms, which are the leading branches of robotic applications. Robot Operating System Cookbook will also guide you in the development of an autonomous navigation framework for both mobile robots and micro-aerial vehicles. Finally, you will explore ROS-Industrial, an open source project that extends the advanced capabilities of ROS software to manufacturing industries.
2019-12-21 21:16:06 27.1MB ROS Robotics
If you're interested in robot motion planning, this book is it! It provides incomparable detailed coverage of the major methods for motion planning and their theory, and could serve as a great geometrical perspective to planning in general. It's not a casual read, however and is meant for a specialist audience with a liking for theory. No professional roboticist should be without it.
2019-12-21 21:15:45 18.22MB 运动规划 规划算法 robot planin
2019-12-21 20:50:09 1.98MB robot stm32
2019-12-21 20:48:46 216KB robot planning
2019-12-21 20:47:33 1.6MB stm32 robot
STM32F1控制六自由度机器人 程序源码,实现目标抓取动作
2019-12-21 20:47:32 7.04MB stm32 6-DOF robot
STM32F1+PS2 遥控智能小车源码资源.rar
2019-12-21 20:47:32 29KB stm32f robot ps2
是一个.txt文件,里面是IBM Rational Robot下载链接以及密码,因为文件太大没有办法直接上传,这是老师上软件工程时软件测试实验给我们提供的测试工具Rational Robot,里面除了软件,还包括软件的安装及使用等文档,功能非常强大。
2019-12-21 20:46:05 49B Rational Robot