2021-11-12 09:41:28 51.9MB 连接oracle 12g
《Visual Basic与AutoCAD二次开发》,清华大学出版社,张晋西,电子书,pdf格式
2021-11-11 16:19:28 7.17MB AutoCAD 二次开发
Visual Basic教学课件:第2章 Visual Basic的数据类型及运算.ppt
2021-11-11 16:04:03 174KB
This book developed out of a set of lecture notes which I began preparing in the fall of 1970 for a course on spline functions at the University of Texas at Austin. The material, which I have been reworking ever since~ was expanded and revised several times for later courses at the Mathematics Research Center in Madison, the University of Munich, the University of Texas, and the Free University of Berlin. It was my original intent to cover both the theory and applications of spline functions in a single monograph, but the amount of interesting and useful material is so large that I found it impossible to give all of it a complete and comprehensive treatment in one volume.
2021-11-11 08:37:06 11.1MB SPLINE FUNCTIONS: Basic Theory
乌姆普斯 经典 BASIC 游戏 Hunt the Wumpus 的 Python 3.4 实现。 在那里你穿过一个有 20 个房间的洞穴,试图在避免危险的同时追捕一种名为 Wumpus 的虚构生物。 运行游戏: 游戏本身包含在一个文件中。 您的系统上必须安装了 Python 3.4 版的解释器。 下载 wumpus.py 并将其放在 python 可以找到的地方。 打开命令行窗口并输入: python wumpus.py 如果一切正常,您将享受基于 TTY 的老式计算机游戏。
2021-11-10 19:41:14 4KB Python
2021-11-10 17:31:54 18.83MB ViB串口通信
Optimization problems arise naturally in many application fields. Whatever people do, at some point they get a craving to organize things in a best possible way. This intention, converted in a mathematical form, turns out to be an optimization problem of certain type. Depending on the field of interest, it could be the optimal design problem, the optimal control problem, the optimal location problem or even the optimal diet problem.
2021-11-10 10:37:43 909KB Convex Programming
2021-11-09 18:04:49 6.76MB XCP 代码
PLSQL 客户端+Oracle安装包instantclient-basic-win32-,里面有安装流程,可直接连远程数据库
2021-11-06 21:48:35 67.36MB PLSQL 客户端
ASTRO XTL5000 Digital Mobile Radio Basic Service Manual
2021-11-05 09:31:55 7.4MB astro xtl radio manual