This book attempts to simplify and present the concepts of deep learning in a very comprehensive manner, with suitable, full-fledged examples of neural network architectures, such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq), for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The book tries to bridge the gap between the theoretical and the applicable. It proceeds from the theoretical to the practical in a progressive manner, first by presenting the fundamentals, followed by the underlying mathematics, and, finally, the implementation of relevant examples. The first three chapters cover the basics of NLP, starting with the most frequently used Python libraries, word vector representation, and then advanced algorithms like neural networks for textual data. The last two chapters focus entirely on implementation, dealing with sophisticated architectures like RNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks, Seq2seq, etc., using the widely used Python tools TensorFlow and Keras. We have tried our best to follow a progressive approach, combining all the knowledge gathered to move on to building a questionand- answer system. The book offers a good starting point for people who want to get started in deep learning, with a focus on NLP. All the code presented in the book is available on GitHub, in the form of IPython notebooks and scripts, which allows readers to try out these examples and extend them in interesting, personal ways.
2020-11-10 22:22:20 4.76MB 深度学习 python
这是小甲鱼python教学视频的课后习题以及答案的整理文档,大家可以学到什么: 0.Python3的所有常用语法 1.面向对象编程思维 2.运用模块进行编程 3.游戏编程 4.计算机仿真
2020-04-06 22:00:35 5.4MB python
许多行业专家认为,无人监督学习人工智能的下一个前沿,这可能是人工智能研究的关键,即所谓的一般人工智能。由于世界上大多数数据都没有标记,因此无法应用传统的监督学习;这就是无监督学习的用武之地。无监督学习可以应用于未标记的数据集,以发现埋藏在数据深处的有意义的模式,人类几乎不可能发现这些模式。 作者Ankur Patel使用两个简单的,生产就绪的Python框架 - scikit-learn和使用Keras的TensorFlow,提供了有关如何应用无监督学习的实用知识。通过提供实际操作示例和代码,您将识别难以发现的数据模式,获得更深入的业务洞察力,检测异常,执行自动特征工程和选择,以及生成合成数据集。您只需要编程和一些机器学习经验即可开始使用。
2020-02-20 03:18:23 5.69MB 深度学习 Python
2020-02-13 03:09:13 16.76MB 机器学习 python 网络安全
【《Python强化学习实战》随书代码】’Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python, published by Packt'
2020-01-19 03:11:53 85.28MB 强化学习 Python 实战
2020-01-10 03:08:18 175.83MB 吴恩达 课堂笔记 机器学习 python版
非常不错的资源,内容详实丰富;daily work. If youre comfortable with Python and its libraries, including pandas and scikit-learn, youll be able to address specific problems such as loading data, handling text or numerical data, model selection, and dimensionality reduction and many other topics. Each recipe includes code that you can copy and paste into a toy dataset to ensure that it actually works. From there, you can insert, combine, or adapt the code to help construct your application. Recipes also include a discussion that explains the solution and provides meaningful context. This cookbook takes you beyond theory and concepts by providing the nuts and bolts you need to construct working machine learning applications.
2020-01-10 03:07:00 3.42MB 机器学习 深度学习 python 好书
英文。2018版本。The authors of this book have leveraged their hands-on experience with solving real-world problems using Python and its Machine Learning ecosystem to help the readers gain the solid knowledge needed to apply essential concepts, methodologies, tools, and techniques for solving their own real-world problems and use-cases. Practical Machine Learning with Python aims to cater to readers with varying skill levels ranging from beginners to experts and enable them in structuring and building practical Machine Learning solutions.
2020-01-10 03:03:08 15.72MB 机器学习 python 人工智能 数据挖掘
小甲鱼零基础入门学习python课后习题与答案 小甲鱼零基础入门学习python课后习题与答案
2020-01-06 14:58:05 8.04MB python
最新版非常清晰的彩色的pdf + 源代码,作者通过具体的例子,应用两款非常流行的Python框架:Scikit-Learn和TensorFlow,帮助你掌握构建机器学习系统所需要的概念和工具。
2020-01-04 03:15:27 55.81MB 机器学习 python TensorFlow