肌电rmsmatlab 开放式人体运动数据,可改善下肢可穿戴机器人 与Hu等相关的项目代码。 '18关于身体健全的下肢运动信号(ENABL3S)的百科全书。 介绍 该程序是用MATLAB(Mathworks)编写的。 该代码已知可在R2014a上运行,但也应与其他版本兼容。 数据应按以下顺序顺序处理: 对原始数据(从我们的CAPS数据获取软件直接输出)运行getsegmentedfromraw.m ,使用实验性注释注释和视觉检查排除不正常的步态事件,以保存每个文件的resegmented.m版本。 在所有主题的resegmented.m文件上运行getfeatsfromsegmented.m以保存: -将原始数据和每个电路的处理后数据作为CSV文件( raw.csv和post.csv ) -EMG信噪比元数据( checkEMG.mat ) -测角仪统计元数据( checkGONIO.mat ) 平均步幅的地面地面行走肌电图和运动学数据,用于与参考数据进行比较( all_LW_EMG.mat和all_LW_GONIO.mat ) 聚合的功能,其时延分别为0、30、60、90和120 m
2022-02-15 21:42:35 4.91MB 系统开源
This book describes the design and implementation of mC/OS-II (pronounced "Micro C O S 2") which stands forMicro-Controller Operating System Version 2. μC/OS -II is based on μC/OS, The Real-Time Kernel which was firstpublished in 1992. Thousands of people around the world are using μC/OS in all kinds of applications such ascameras, medical instruments, musical instruments, engine controls, network adapters, highway telephone call boxes,ATM machines, industrial robots, and many more. Nu merous colleges and Universities have also used μC/OS toteach students about real-time systems.μC/OS-II is upward compatible with μC/OS (V1.11) but provides many improvements over μC/OS such as theaddition of a fixed-sized memory manager, user definable callouts on task creation, task deletion, task switch andsystem tick, supports TCB extensions, stack checking and, much more. I also added comments to just about everyfunction and I made μC/OS -II much easier to port to different processors. The source code in μC/OS was found in twosource files. Because μC/OS-II contains many new features and functions, I decided to split μC/OS-II in a few sourcefiles to make the code easier to maintain.If you currently have an application (i.e. product) that runs with μC/OS, your application should be able to run,virtually unchanged, with μC/OS-II. All of the services (i.e. function calls) provided by μC/OS have been preserved.You may, however, have to change include files and product build files to ‘point’ to the new file names.This book contains ALL the source code for μC/OS-II and a port for the Intel 80x86 processor running in Real-Modeand for the Large Model. The code was developed on a PC running the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system.Examples run in a DOS compatible box under the Windows 95 environment. Development was done using theBorland International C/C++ compiler version 3.1. Although μC/OS-II was developed and tested on a PC, mC/OS-IIwas actually targeted for embedded systems and can easily be ported to many different processor architectures.
2022-02-15 16:44:36 1.03MB uCOSII
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ILOG_CPLEX_OS_20.10_WIN_X86_64.exe windows版 V20.10
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os/390下的数据集:pds pdse bsam isam vsam qsam hfs 等数据集文件格式的介绍和详解
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win10 使用 fpc 编译Pascal Bare Bones 操作系统
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魏洪兴 周亦敏 嵌入式系统设计与实例开发实验教材I 的源码,
2022-02-10 17:12:51 3.5MB ARM uC/OS-II