Intel (R) Flash Programming Tool(FPT14)Version: 完整版,包含EFI64、LINUX64、WIN32、WIN64版本。
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C++ Network Programming(ACE) Vol1&2. ENG(chm) & CN(pdf). 网上载的。居然CSDN上要¥,所以放一个。
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Android高性能编程(Android High Performance Programming)-2016年英文原版,0积分——Build fast and efficient Android apps that run as reliably as clockwork in a multi-device world
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Xilinx UG908 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Programming and Debugging
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译序 邢树军 有这么一个故事: 在非洲草原上,有一种不起眼的动物叫吸血蝙蝠。它身体极小,却是野马的天敌。这种 蝙蝠靠吸动物的血生存,它在攻击野马时,常附在马腿上,用锋利的牙齿极敏捷地刺破野马 的腿,然后用尖尖的嘴吸血。无论野马怎样蹦跳、狂奔,都无法驱逐这种蝙蝠。蝙蝠却可以 从容地吸附在野马身上,落在野马头上,直到吸饱吸足,才满意地飞去。而野马常常在暴怒、 狂奔、流血中无可奈何地死去。 动物学家在分析这一问题时,一致认为吸血蝙蝠所吸的血量是微不足道的,远不会让野 马死去,野马的死亡是它暴怒的习性和狂奔所致。 这个故事与MATLAB 似乎没有任何的联系。编程初学者习惯于接到问题,就想在计算 机编出好的程序来,而且要求没有错误。这是不可能的,时间一长就会像这只马一样变得暴 怒,从而失去对编程的兴趣。所以,我翻译的这本书要求我们养成良好的编程习惯,强调自 上而下的编程方法。希望读者能够理解这个方法。 自上而下的编程方法,不仅适用于编程,而且适用于我们做事。具体步骤为 (1)首先对你所面临的问题进行精确描述,即你遇到的到底是什么问题 (2)定义输入输出量,即我们的目的和现有的条件 (3)设计算法,逐层分解,逐步求精,这是做事谋的一个过程,大部分人做事出错就 出在这个地方,懒得到逐层分解,逐步求精,总是妄想一步登天。 (4)把算法转化为MATLAB 语言,这一步是踏踏实实做的过程,没有这一步你什么 也做不成。 (5)检测程序,我们做的东西是否正确,不正确检测错误。这一步是需要耐心的,不 要怕错误,每一次检测都会让你提高。做事时,不要因一些错误而畏缩不前。 在翻译的过程中,有很多的时侯都想放弃。有时也想不干了,但是每当这时,我就会找 个人聊天,然后去思考,我遇到的问题是什么?是没有方法,还有心浮气躁。而多半的原因 是因为后者,就像那匹马一样,因小事而丢了“性命”。于是,我翻译这本书,最大的收获 是自上而下的编程方法。
2022-03-09 19:09:57 4.86MB matlab
里面有B spline更直观的推导,可以当科普类看。已有部分程序
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"Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrx: Learn to Harness the Power of Reactive Programming with RxJS and ngrx Extensions" English | ISBN: 1484226194 | 2017 | 148 pages | PDF | 3 MB Manage your Angular development using Reactive programming. Growing in popularity and now an essential part of any professional web developer's toolkit, Reactive programming can enrich your development and make your code more efficient. Featuring a core application to explore and build yourself, this book shows you how to utilize ngrx/store as a state management with Redux pattern, and how to utilize ngrx/effects to define a better and more robust application architecture. Through working code examples, you will understand every aspect of Reactive programming with Angular so that you'll be able to develop maintainable, readable code. Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrx is ideal for developers already familiar with JavaScript, Angular, or other languages, and who are looking for more insight into their Angular projects. Use this book to start mastering Reactive programming today. What You'll Learn Construct components efficiently Utilize ngrx extensions and RxJS Organize state management with reducers, actions and side effects Who This Book Is For Developers who are already familiar with JavaScript and Angular and want to move onto more advanced development.
2022-03-09 12:58:17 2.66MB Reactive Angular ngrx
QGIS Python Programming Cookbook(2nd)源代码,python 程序,针对qgis2的开发,python 2 的相关入门程序。
2022-03-09 10:08:05 116KB python  qgis2