这个文档是超级有用的噻。列出部分的目录 Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Purpose 2. Normative References 3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 4. Classes and Utilities 5. Base Classes 5.1 uvm_void 5.2 uvm_object 5.3 uvm_transaction 5.4 uvm_root 5.5 uvm_port_base 6. Reporting Classes 6.1 uvm_report_object 6.2 uvm_report_handler 6.3 uvm_report_server 6.4 uvm_report_catcher 7. Factory Classes 7.1 uvm_*_registry 7.2 uvm_factory 8. Phasing Classes 8.1 uvm_phase 8.2 uvm_domain 8.3 uvm_bottomup_phase 8.4 uvm_task_phase 8.5 uvm_topdown_phase 8.6 UVM Common Phases UVM 1.1 Class Reference Front-4 8.7 UVM Run-Time Phases 8.8 User-Defined Phases 9. Configuration and Resource Classes 9.1 uvm_resource 9.2 uvm_resource_db 9.3 uvm_config_db 10. Synchronization Classes . 10.1 uvm_event 10.2 uvm_event_callback 10.3 uvm_barrier 10.4 uvm_objection 10.5 uvm_heartbeat
2019-12-21 19:21:53 3.54MB uvm 验证 class
Final IK 1.8.unitypackage,Final IK 资源包,提供给大家下载。
2019-12-21 19:21:24 43.57MB Final IK 1.8
2019-12-21 18:58:52 55.83MB hibernate-re
“暴力摩托”是一款与众不同的竞速类游戏,它拥有非常逼真的画面和音响效果,如疾驰而过的汽车呼啸声,摩托车的引擎声和转弯时轮胎与地面摩擦而产生的声音。而且它在游戏中加入了对抗成份,比赛中你可以使用拳、脚去干扰对方,使其落后于你,是不是很卑鄙啊? 游戏中千万不能手下留情,因为对手会主动攻击你。如果遇到开摩托车的警察,虽然也可以对他踢上一脚,但可得小心点呀,万一被他们捉住了,那就 GAME OVER 啦!
hibernate -release -5.3.1final .zip官方原版资源下载
2019-12-21 18:47:53 52.79MB hibernate
Update (1.9): Version 1.9 brings many fixes and improvements to Final IK: - Added the Baker, a powerful new tool for baking IK to Humanoid, Generic and Legacy animation clips. - Added LOD levels to VRIK. - VRIK tested on the new Oculus Quest hardware. - Updated documentation. Please see the Release Notes for the full list of update details. Final IK 1.9 is fully compatible with PuppetMaster 0.9 and Unity 2017/2018/2019 versions.
2019-12-13 17:40:00 44.93MB finalIK Unity
2019-10-24 10:38:33 75B 5.0.7.zip
广东省区县图 21地市 矢量图 SHP文件
2015-10-27 00:00:00 2.08MB SHP 广东省