BDE for RAD Studio Delphi C Builder 10.2 Tokyo delphi经典控件
2021-09-04 22:03:31 27.89MB delphi BDE 控件
NativeExcel 3.1.0 Full Source for D4-D10.3 Tokyo.rar
2021-08-26 10:05:00 1.74MB Delphi
解压密码:123 安装说明: Add-in Express 有限公司是一家私营公司,总部设在白俄罗斯的Homel。作为微软Office一体化产业的工具和解决方案的先驱,Add-in Express 10年来一直致力于为成千上万的从Microsoft Office套包中将应用代码集成和嵌入到应用程序中的开发者提供创新的工具和卓越的支持服务。我们在三个平台上工作,.NET,VSTO和VCL,公司的主要重点是我们的旗帜产品,Add-in Express.,几乎我们所有的时间都致力于该产品的不断完善。
2021-08-09 09:05:44 12.59MB Add-inExpress 微软Office MicrosoftOffice
EhLib是一个多功能的表格展示控件儿,本资源经验证为可用资源,详细说明了EhLib在XE10.2.2 tokyo( c++builder)如何安装使用。
2021-07-06 07:50:53 15.18MB EhLib9 tokyo c++builder
Unidac是万能的数据库访问控件,本资源是unidac7.01版本for C++Builder XE10.2.2 tokyo,亲测可用,带有安装说明。
2021-07-05 22:45:08 8.78MB unidac c++Builder tokyo
BusinessSkinForm11.51 XE10.2 Tokyo+亲自测试可用,非常漂亮的控件,很好用,经常在用!
2021-07-01 08:01:26 14.68MB BusinessSkin XE10.2 Tokyo
NativeExcel 它不需要用户安装Microsoft Office,而是直接生成excel文件,开发人员可以用NativeExcel代替传统的基于OLE的Excel 组件。 NativeExcel 修改后,目前支持Delphi XE4-XE10 Tokyo 非常推荐在UniGUI下使用
2021-06-22 15:03:35 588KB NativeExcel DelphiXE10 Delphi 生成Excel
PDFium_Component_Suite_4.6_only_for_D10.2_Tokyo_x86_x64 破解版
2021-06-11 17:54:48 3.72MB delphi 10.2
Unidac_Pro_v8.0.1 RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed Bug with the Refresh method of TVirualQuery is fixed Bug with handling BCD fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed Bug with updating fields which have data type mapping in TVirtualQuery is fixed Oracle data provider Oracle 18c is supported Implicit result sets in Oracle 12 are supported Bug with detecting time zone when connecting in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with using an extended string in DML statements in Oracle 12 is fixed Bug with using the IFILE option in TNSNAMES.ORA is fixed SQLServer data provider QuoteNames option in TUniLoader to escape field names is added Bug with mapping a TEXT field to ftWideMemo in Delphi is fixed Bug with SQL statements containing a CONTAINS predicate in the WHERE clause is fixed Bug with application freezing when executing a stored procedure is fixed Bug with editing the ConnectString property in TUniConnection in design-time editor is fixed Bug with XML field types when clearing data is fixed Bug with setting "MSOLEDBSQL.1" value for the TUniConnection.ConnectString property is fixed MySQL data provider Support for PAM and Windows authentications is added Bug in TUniDump with backuping stored procedures in MySQL 8 is fixed Bug with describing binary fields is fixed InterBase data provider Possibility to write large blobs by pieces is added PostgreSQL data provider PostgreSQL 11 is supported SQLite data provider Support for the BreakExec method in the Query component is added Bug in TUniDump with dumping national characters when UseUnicode is True is fixed ASE data provider Bug with AssignConnect is fixed MongoDB data provider Bug with re-setting a query for the Query component is fixed DBF data provider Detection of the file format when the DBFFormat opt
2021-06-10 12:14:06 103.77MB Unidac Tokyo
MyDAC 9.3.9 Professional for Berlin Tokyo Rio 10.3 支持连接MySql数据库!
2021-06-02 07:08:14 68.51MB MyDAC 9.3.9 MyDAC MyDACXE10.3