Specifically, this book deals in depth with the following issues: • A methodology for simultaneous non-zero clock skew scheduling and design of the topology of the clock distribution network. This methodology is based on the pioneering works of Friedman [1] and Fishburn [2], and builds on Linear Programming (LP) solution techniques. The non-zero clock skew scheduling of circuits with level-sensitive latches and for multi-phase clock signals is formulated as a LP problem. The simultaneous clock scheduling and clock tree topology synthesis problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem that can be solved efficiently. The proposed algorithms have been evaluated on a variety of benchmark and industrial circuits and synchronous performance improvements of well above 60% have been demonstrated. • For those cases where reliable circuit operation and production yield are the highest level priorities, an alternative problem formulation is developed. This formulation is based on a quadratic (hence the QP—quadratic programming) measure, or cost function, of the tolerance of a clock schedule to parameter variations. A mathematical framework is presented for solving the constrained and bounded QP problem. A constrained version of the problem is iteratively solved using the Lagrange multipliers method. As these research issues are topics of great practical importance for input/output (I/O) interfacing and Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, explicit clock delay and skew requirements are fully integrated into the mathematical model described here. The theoretical derivation of the limits on the improvements on the clock period available through clock skew scheduling. The theoretical derivation is performed by identifying the limits for three local data path topologies. A methodology to mitigate the limitation of clock skew scheduling for a reconvergent path system is presented. The methodology involves delay insertion on some data paths of the reconvergent syst
2021-11-29 15:41:33 3.42MB Timing
I2C timing configuration tool
2021-11-22 11:04:02 559KB STM32 IIC工具
2021-11-22 09:05:12 312KB STM32 IIC计算工具
该文档从以下几个方面进行解析: 1、Vivado基本操作流程 2、时序基本概念 3、时序基本约束和流程 4、Baselining时序约束 5、CDC时序约束 6、I/O时序 7、例外时序约束 8、时序收敛优化技术
2021-11-18 23:08:40 8.03MB 时序收敛技术
timing analysis user guid
2021-11-10 18:05:04 1.46MB create_clock
PrimeTime Advanced Timing Analysis User Guide Version D-2010.06, June 2010 synopsys官方资料,总共378页
2021-11-10 14:08:39 4.32MB PrimeTime Timing Analysis
共三部分:这是第三部分 安装、破解方法: 一、安装 1)解压“TimingDesigner_v9.2_win.zip”后有两个文件:“td.win32.td92.exe”和“TDlic.dat”; 2)安装“td.win32.td92.exe”到C盘或D盘,此处选择安装目录为“D:\Program Files\EMA\TimingDesigner”为例; 3)安装完毕后将刚解压的文件“TDlic.dat”复制到安装目录下,即:“D:\Program Files\EMA\TimingDesigner”; 二、设置环境变量 1)“我的电脑”右键——属性——高级——环境变量(N); 2)在最上一栏“Administrator的用户变量”中,新建环境变量,值如下: “变量名:LM_LICENSE_FILE 变量值:D:\Program Files\EMA\TimingDesigner\TDlic.dat”确定后即可使用。
2021-11-06 21:27:42 3.28MB Timing designer_92
尖峰时序相关构造是一种算法,旨在根据 Hebbian 尖峰时序相关可塑性 (STDP) 下的适应,从初始神经元群“生长”尖峰网络。 STDP 模拟生物神经网络适应,是根据突触前和突触后神经元尖峰的相对时间进行突触功效适应的过程。 当突触前神经元在突触后神经元出现尖峰之前立即出现尖峰时,不对称 Hebbian STDP 会产生兴奋性突触强度的增加。 这种构造性算法将 STDP 与模拟神经元作为与外部神经元连接的更大神经系统中的一个子群存在的假设相结合。 如果最近活跃的输入神经元集没有具有等效连接的关联模拟神经元,则假设存在具有这些连接的外部神经元并产生尖峰信号。 在 Hebbian STDP 下,这会导致与外部神经元的连接加强,并与最近活跃的输入神经元形成功能关联。 这个外部神经元与一组活动输入神经元相连,然后被添加到模拟神经元中。 该模拟已被开发作为应用于随机二维神经元场的尖峰时序相
2021-11-04 18:03:42 5KB matlab
contraining designs for synthesis and timing analysis,IC design and verification reading books
2021-10-20 21:19:20 8.57MB synthesis timing analy IC
Constraining.Designs.for.Synthesis.and.Timing.Analysis 经典英文资料
2021-10-17 16:56:36 8.58MB SDC