Flat-topped beam theoretical model and unified theory of coherence and polarization of light are used as the bases in examining aberrated, partially coherent, electromagnetic, square, flat-topped pulsed beams focused by a thin lens. This study demonstrates that Astigmatism is not necessarily undesirable in certain circumstances, and a certain amount of astigmatism can be guaranteed a similar spatial envelope of the beams in the geometric focal plane as the source of aberrated, partially coherent
2021-09-28 09:52:29 2.37MB
2021-09-02 18:00:24 392KB 资料
MAE、MSE、R-Square、MAPE和RMSE 以上是对于预测问题的评价指标。 1.平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error, MAE) 误差越大,该值越大。 2.均方误差(Mean Squared Error, MSE) 误差越大,该值越大。 SSE(和方差)与MSE之间差一个系数n,即SSE = n * MSE,二者效果相同。 3.均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE) 是MSE的算数平均根 误差越大,该值越大。 4.平均绝对百分比误差(Mean Absolute Percentage Error, MAPE) 注意:当真实值有数据等
2021-08-18 23:33:05 62KB ar metrics mse
solve the least square problem Ax=b using iterative method
2021-08-18 17:24:07 489B least square matlab
A tighter bound for the character sum of primitive sequences over residue rings modulo square-free odd integers
2021-07-13 18:58:12 535KB 研究论文
2021-07-01 09:03:59 1.94MB 行业
matrix compute
2021-06-08 18:08:38 983KB matrixcomputati
磨损视图存根 如果在方形、圆形或 moto360 设备上运行,WearViewStub 允许您的 Android Wear 应用程序使用不同的布局。 WearViewStub 是 Android Wear 的另一种实现。 代替 Google WatchViewStub,此实现始终有效,即使在 GridViewPager 的 Fragments 中也是如此。 下载 在您的磨损模块中 compile ' com.github.florent37:wearviewstub:1.0.0@aar ' 用法 在您的布局中,将 WearViewStub 与wearRectLayout、wearRoundLayout 和wearRoundMotoLayout 属性结合使用 < com .github.florent37.wearviewstub.WearViewStub androi
2021-06-08 18:05:09 416KB Java
在这个模拟中,最小均方 (LMS) 和最小均方 (LMF) 算法在非高斯噪声环境中进行了系统识别任务的比较。 众所周知,在非高斯环境中,LMF算法优于LMS算法,在此实现中可以看到相同的结果。 此外,还对附加白均匀噪声的定制功能进行了编程。
2021-06-05 19:11:26 3KB matlab
This paper describes a new control algorithm which can enhance the dynamics of a sensorless control system and gives a precise sensorless control performance. Instead of the conventional sinusoidal-type voltage injection, a square-wave-type voltage injection incorporated with the associated signal processing method is proposed in this paper. As a result, the error signal can be calculated without low-pass filters and time delays, and the position estimation performance can be enhanced. Using the proposed method, the performance of the sensorless control can be enhanced; the bandwidth of the current controller was enhanced up to 250 Hz, and that of the speed controller was up to 50 Hz.
2021-06-03 20:24:33 1.83MB 高频注入 电机控制