2024-06-09 22:43:53 1.28MB javascript
sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to WebSockets protocol, allowing to create WebSockets Servers, Intraweb Clients or WebSocket Clients in VCL, Lazarus/FPC and Firemonkey applications. Fully functional multithreaded WebSocket server according to RFC 6455. Supports Firemonkey (Windows and MacOS). Supports Lazarus / FreePascal. Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (including iPhone, iPad and iPod) Binary and Full Unicode Messages Support Message compression using deflate-frame extension. Multiple Threads Support Broadcast messages to all clients Server component providing WebSocket and HTTP connections through the same port. Send a message to a single client Client WebSocket supports connections through Socket.IO Servers. Client WebSocket supports connections through HTTP Proxy Servers. Events Available: OnConnect, OnDisconnect, OnMessage, onerror Built-in sub-protocols: JSON-RPC 2.0, Datasets Built-in javascript libraries to support browser clients. Easy to setup javascript Events for a full control Async Events using Ajax SSL/TLS support on Server and Client components
2024-06-03 14:04:53 39.41MB Delphi WebSockets
mpc5744P 看门狗程序,希望有识之士好好专研,推动国内的汽车软件进步
2024-05-31 16:35:22 578KB mpc5744p watchdog reset source
ComicViewer:一个适用于Android的简单漫画查看器。 它具有画廊活动,以显示可用漫画的封面,书签支持,并以CBR,CBZ和JPGPNG图像目录显示漫画。 这是一个用于教育的测试项目,绝不打算供最终用户使用,而应具有很高的可用性和稳定性。 源代码已完全注释
2024-05-08 08:48:08 17.28MB 系统开源
Octeon-Linux-kernel-4.14:这是Marvell Octeon Linux内核4.14源代码。 提供“原样”且无支持。 不支持对此代码进行任何更改。 不支持从此来源进行构建
2024-04-06 20:02:37 193.2MB 系统开源
Source Insight 灰黑背景 主题
2024-04-03 09:37:09 32KB sourceinsight
source insight4 仿vscode配色
2024-03-25 11:23:56 315KB sourceinsight4
内容概要:Source Insight快捷键设置源文件,增加多行注释、多行取消注释、快捷文件说明、快捷函数说明、#if注释体,文件代码替换即可使用。 能学到什么:提高编辑器使用效率,设置、修改组合快捷键 阅读建议:配合Source Insight快捷键设置博客阅读
2024-03-24 20:59:58 12KB
最新版本source insight4.0 版本最优配置 操作代码清晰、简洁 一目了然 独家配置。强烈推荐 下载配置文件后导入,配置文件具体导入方法: 打开SourceInsight > Options > Load Configuration > 选择下载配置文件xml >Continue.