2021-11-30 09:02:11 168KB rpm
Napa: Powering Scalable Data Warehousing with Robust Qery Performance at Google
2021-11-27 11:06:37 2.08MB Google 谷歌 Napa 物化视图
Big Data Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems.pdf
2021-11-26 15:03:44 6.58MB 大数据
Joseph Poon提出了闪电网络, 以比特币区块链为后盾,在链下实现真正的点对点微支付交易,区块链处理能力的瓶颈被彻底打破,时延、最终性、容量甚至隐私问题也迎刃而解。这是他的那篇英文原版论文。
2021-11-23 19:50:56 2.93MB Bitcoin Lightning Network
COM6012可扩展机器学习-谢菲尔德大学 2021年Spring,(1-5)和(6-10) 在,我们将学习如何使用大规模的机器学习。 我们将使用我们大学的。 您必须使用连接到HPC。 该版本使用的 (2020年9月2日),并且在下面进行了10节。 您可以参考以获取更多信息,例如时间表和评估信息。 第一场:Spark和HPC简介 第2节:RDD,DataFrame,ML管道和并行化 专题三:可扩展的矩阵分解,用于推荐系统中的协同过滤 第四节:可扩展的k-means聚类和Spark配置 主题5:可伸缩的PCA,用于降维和Spark数据类型 第六节:高级决策树 第七讲:可扩展的逻辑回归 第八讲:可扩展的广义线性模型 主题9:可伸缩神经网络 第十部分:云中的Apache Spark( 客座演讲 您也可以下载以供预览或参考。 致谢 这些材料是参考以下资源构建的: 官方的。 注意:最新信息
2021-11-17 03:28:08 47.68MB machine-learning scalable-data-analysis Python
2021-11-13 14:05:06 11.49MB 深度学习 安全计算 论文总结 秘密分享
Learn the tricks of the trade so you can build and architect applications that scale quickly--without all the high-priced headaches and service-level agreements associated with enterprise app servers and proprietary programming and database products. Culled from the experience of the Flickr.com lead developer, Building Scalable Web Sites offers techniques for creating fast sites that your visitors will find a pleasure to use.Creating popular sites requires much more than fast hardware with lots of memory and hard drive space. It requires thinking about how to grow over time, how to make the same resources accessible to audiences with different expectations, and how to have a team of developers work on a site without creating new problems for visitors and for each other.Presenting information to visitors from all over the world Integrating email with your web applications Planning hardware purchases and hosting options to have as much as you need without breaking your wallet Partitioning and distributing databases to support large datasets and simultaneous transactions Monitoring your applications to find and clear bottlenecks* Providing services APIs and using services from other providers to increase your site's reach and capabilitiesWhether you're starting a small web site with hopes of growing big or you already have a large system that needs maintenance, you'll find Building Scalable Web Sites to be a library of ideas for making things work. 无PDF口令
2021-09-22 01:25:55 4.58MB Web 建站
Practical Machine Learning with H2O Powerful Scalable Techniques for Deep 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2021-09-02 13:59:13 8.39MB Practical Machine Learning H2O
Q_Tips__Fast,_Scalable_and_Main_-_Nick_Psaris 关于q/kdb+非常实用的一本书,因为关于q/kdb+的资料太少了,把这本资料上传上来,希望对大家有用,有条件的可以去Amazon买电子版的。
2021-08-23 21:36:49 1.57MB q语言 kdb+ apl
Gen-Z Scalable Connector Specification Version 1.1
2021-08-17 16:34:20 1.54MB GENZ