mpc_local_planner ROS软件包 mpc_local_planner软件包为2D导航堆栈的base_local_planner实现了一个插件。 它提供了具有最小时间和二次形式后退水平配置的通用且通用的模型预测控制实现。 有关自定义构建说明(例如,使用其他第三方求解器进行编译),请参见此 。 有关更多常规信息和教程,请参考 。 生成状态: ROS Melodic( melodic-devel ): 作者 克里斯托夫Rösmann 引用软件 由于开发工作花费了大量时间和精力,因此,如果您使用该软件来进行已发布的工作,请至少引用以下出版物之一。 主要论文与方法 C.Rösmann,A。Makarow和T. Bertram:基于具有非欧几里得旋转组的非线性模型预测控制的在线运动规划, ,2020年6月。 标准MPC和Hypergraph C.Rösmann,M.K
2021-12-08 11:19:35 158KB path-planning ros mpc mobile-robots
波士顿动力创始人写的 16页 论文,不是书,图片彩版,很好的讲述了四足机器人的起源和技术基础
2021-12-02 11:29:02 4.95MB 四足机器人 仿生机器人 动力学 仿真
2021-11-29 09:47:10 2.44MB matlab
This book is the result of inspirations and contributions from many researchers and students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh (CMU), and many others around the globe.
2021-11-28 16:56:41 8.22MB ROBOT
2021-11-25 11:46:24 1.08MB diy homemade robots
The classic "elastic band" deforms a path generated by a global planner with respect to the shortest path length while avoiding contact with obstacles. It does not take any dynamic constraints of the underlying robot into account directly. This contribution introduces a new approach called "timed elastic band" which explicitly considers temporal aspects of the motion in terms of dynamic constraints such as limited robot velocities and accelerations. The "timed elastic band" problem is formulated in a weighted multi-objective optimization framework. Most objectives are local as they depend on a few neighboring intermediate configurations. This results in a sparse system matrix for which efficient large-scale constrained least squares optimization methods exist. Results from simulations and experiments with a real robot demonstrate that the approach is robust and computationally efficient to generate optimal robot trajectories in real time. The "timed elastic band" converts an initial path composed of a sequence of way points into a trajectory with explicit dependence on time which enables the control of the robot in real time. Due to its modular formulation the approach is easily extended to incorporate additional objectives and constraints.
2021-11-20 01:53:43 435KB teb 局部路径规划 自动驾驶
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots( 麻省理工)
2021-10-28 05:38:51 29.68MB Autonomous Mobile Robots
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots,中文清晰版,经典的机器人学习书籍
2021-10-25 17:59:38 45MB robotics autonomous
CL-CBS 概述 基于汽车的基于冲突的搜索(CL-CBS)是一种有效且完整的解决方案,可解决类似汽车的机器人问题的多代理路径查找。 考虑到代理的形状,它应用了一个身体冲突树来解决冲突。 它还包括新算法时空混合状态A *作为单代理路径规划器,以生成同时满足运动学和时空约束的路径。 视频演示可以在找到 源代码 要求 sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libboost-program-options-dev libyaml-cpp-dev \ clang-tidy clang-format python3-matplotlib libompl-dev libeigen3-dev 注意:请确保您的matplotlib版本高于2.0 ,否则可视化时可能会显示奇怪的图像。 您可以通过pip3 install -U matplotlib对其进行升级。 建造 mkdir
2021-10-21 20:55:32 17.79MB planning robots cbs mapf