互联网工程和网络系统研究提高了我们对互联网底层技术流程的理解。 因此,互联网工程师通常通过从大量个人和组织的设备收集数据来分析互联网上的数据传输。 互联网工程和研究项目的设计反映了人类的决定,因此可能会创造新的道德体系。 技术与社会的这种相互作用创造了可以在许多方面影响个人生活的新实践。 这些行动可能会引发新的道德困境,或在互联网呈现的新的复杂信息环境中挑战现有的道德方法。 为了进一步讨论互联网研究和工程伦理,网络系统研究(“ESRN”)项目于 2015 年 3 月 13 日在牛津大学格林邓普顿学院举办了一个研讨会。涉及互联网研究的学科处理道德困境并证明其推理是正确的。 为此,来自两个不同研究群体的 25 名研究人员和从业人员参加了研讨会:(1) 计算机科学家、网络工程师和其他在工作中面临道德和法律困境的技术研究人员,以及 (2) 哲学家,对互联网工程和互联网带来的伦理困境感兴趣,但可能不了解该领域的细节、微妙之处和困境的实践伦理学家、法律哲学家和相关学科。 几位计算机科学家就他们的项目做了简短的介绍,然后由研讨会参与者进行了深入的讨论。 跨学科的讨论导致了一些有趣的跨学科推理对抗。 这是一篇观点论文,我们在其中介绍了几个所讨论的案例,以及不同群体所应用的推理。 研讨会期间提出的论点揭示了一些潜在的假设和价值观,从而导致了一些新兴主题,进而揭示了学科之间的特定概念差距。 本文绝不是对计算机伦理或互联网研究伦理的全面概述,而只是对研讨会期间出现的主题的探索。
2022-10-31 18:16:15 937KB Practical ethics computer
Database Systems:A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management;4th Edition 数据库系统:设计、实现与管理 第四版
2022-10-26 23:12:30 39.21MB 数据库系统
his ninth edition of Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach with VHDLprovides the fundamentals of digital circuitry to students in engineering and technology curric- ula. The digital circuits are introduced using fixed-function 7400 ICs and evolve into FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) programmed with VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language). (Note:Those schools not wishing to develop logic using VHDL and FPGAs can completely skip those sections of the textbook without affect- ing the continuity of the remainder of the text, which describes logic design and imple- mentationusing 7400-series ICs.) Coverage begins with the basic logic gates used to perform arithmetic operations and proceeds through sequential logic and memory circuits used to interface to mod- ern PCs. Professor Kleitz uses his vast experience of teaching electronics online and in class from his best-selling textbooks to know what it takes for an entry-level student to be brought up to speed in this emerging field. It was important to design this new text- book to present practical examples, be easy to read, and provide all of the information necessary for motivated students to teach themselves this new subject matter. This makes it ideal for learning in an online environment as well as from conventional in- class lectures. Digital electronic ICs (integrated circuits) and FPGAs are the “brains” behind common microprocessor-based systems such as those found in automobiles, personal computers, and automated factory control systems. The most exciting recent develop- ment in this field is that students now have the choice to design, simulate, and imple- ment their circuits using a programming language called VHDL instead of wiring individual gates and devices to achieve the required function. Each topic area in this text consistently follows a very specific sequence of steps, making the transition from problem definition, to practical example, to logic IC imple- mentation, to VHDL and FPGA implementation. To accomplish this, the text first in- troduces the theory of operation of the digital logic and then implements the design in integrated circuit form (see Figure P–1). Once the fixed-function IC logic is thoroughly explained, the next step is to implement the design as a graphic design file and then to implement it using the VHDL hardware descriptive language, all within the free version of the Altera Quartus®II development software. Several examples are used to bolster the student’s understanding of the subject before moving on to system-level design and troubleshooting applications of the logic. This step-by-step method has proven over the years to be the most effective method to build the fundamental understanding of digital electronics before proceeding to implement the logic design in VHDL. The Altera Quartus®II software is a free download that allows students to either graphically design their circuit by drawing the logic (using logic gates or 7400 macro- functions) or use VHDL to define their logic. The design can then be simulated on a PC before using the same software to download the logic to an FPGA on one of the commercially available FPGA programmer boards, such as the Altera DE2 illustrated in this text.
2022-10-20 09:34:52 33.22MB Approach VHDL
Beginnings are important. Beginnings are when we establish trust and de ne much of how a relationship will progress. The new formats of virtual reality (VR), alternate reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) are at a beginning. These new “realities” are at a delicate stage and I sincerely believe they will de ne a new era of communications and entertainment. There is a risk, however, that if they are not presented in the right way or form the right relationships, they could easily just become another tech fad, another grab for quick cash from some people new realities 1 2 new realities in audio wanting to take advantage of unwitting consumers looking for the next big thing. If this happens then these new formats are going to fail. Let me begin, therefore, by stating I do not consider myself an expert in the new realities, not yet at least. I have spent the past few years exploring, discovering, and researching possibilities. I have worked for several leading companies specializing in the new reali- ties and have participated in some very exciting projects. I am also incredibly passionate about the creative potential offered by these new formats. I believe that we have opened up an area that is so new to all of us, and potentially so very different to everything we have used up till now, that it would be unrealistic for anyone to claim to be an “expert” just yet.
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real-time rendering网站上推荐的书。
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Carol Alexander Market Risk Analysis第2卷
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Embedded Linux Primer A Practical Real-World Approach (2nd Edition) 英文无水印原版pdf 第2版 pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2022-09-30 21:10:04 6.01MB Embedded Linux Primer Practical
2022-09-30 21:09:44 3.38MB Embedded Linux
(3) 人体或车身振动的总的加速度均方根评价 方法; (4)车身振动 (或座椅)的最大垂直加速度评价 方法。 本文采用 1ö3 倍频带分别评价方法 ( ISO 2631) 方法作为平顺性评价指标, 各 1ö3 倍频带加速度均 方根分量, 可用下式计算 ΡZβi = [∫ 2Πf ui 2Πf li G Zβs (Ξ) dΞ] 1ö2 (13) 式中: 座椅处的加速度功率谱 G Zβs (Ξ) 前文已经求 得; f ui, f li为各个 1ö3 倍频带的上、下限频率, i= 1, 2, ⋯. 但是上述方法求得的均方根值还没有考虑人 体对不同频率振动的敏感程度, 人体对垂直振动 4 ~ 8 H z, 水平振动 1~ 2 H z 最为敏感, 而其他频率范 围内的加速度均方根值可以通过加权折算到最敏感 频率范围内, 其垂直方向的加权因子为 W N (f ci) = 0. 5 f ci   (1 < f ci ≤ 4) 1   (4 < f ci ≤ 8 8öf ci   (f ci > 8) (14) 将W N (f ci)转换成W N (Ξci) , 加权加速度均方根值分 量 Ρzβw i= W N (Ξci) Ρzβi, 再将 Ρzβw i中的最大值与 ISO 2631 人体对振动反应的“疲劳工效降低界限”的振动允许 值进行对比, 就可以看出该车的平顺性性能。将上述 方法用M A TLAB 编制成程序, 就可以直接得到加 权加速度均方根值分量的最大值, 从而实现对汽车 平顺性的评价。 5 实例应用 表 1 给出了TJ 6341 五自由度车辆模型参数, 将 模型参数输入所编制的仿真程序, 得到车辆在车速 为 50 km öh 时的随机响应, 如图 2 所示。图 2 中的座 椅加速度图的图形走势与图 3 中该车的座椅加速度 实验曲线基本吻合, 从而证明该仿真结果是正确的。 同时, 可以从程序的运行结果获得各中心频率加速 度均方根值, 如表 2 所示。 表 1 TJ6341 五自由度车辆模型参数 参数 名称 M s (kg) M b (kg) M p (kg. m 2) M f (kg) M r (kg) K s (N öm ) K f (N öm ) K r (N öm ) K tf (N öm ) K tr (N öm ) C s (N söm ) C f (N söm ) C r (N söm ) 数值 65 708 1 060 80 72 23 071 20 292 19 326 128 760 128 760 1 500 2 000 1 000 93第 2 期 邹晓华等: 车辆悬架系统振动仿真
2022-09-27 18:48:00 287KB matlab