2022-11-12 01:52:19 31.17MB design embedded
亲自书签精校,方便阅读。douban 8.2高分教程,设计模式方面的好书
2022-11-03 11:06:14 14.18MB 设计模式 java 书签精校
1.Introduction2.介绍i.架构,性能和游戏3.再探设计模式i.命令模式ii.享元模式iii.观察者模式iv.原型模式v.单例模式vi.状态模式4.序列模式i.双缓冲ii.游戏循环iii.更新方法5.行为模式i.字节码ii.子类沙盒iii.对象类型6.解耦模式i.组件ii.事件队列iii.服务定位器7.优化模式i.数据局部性ii.脏标记iii.对象池iv.空间划分TableofContentsGitbook地址你是否还在为代码整体规划而苦苦挣扎?是否发现随着代码库的增长却不容易做出些改动?是否感觉到你的游戏就是一个纷乱交杂的巨大的毛球?又或者不知如何将设计模式应用到游戏?听说过“缓存一致性”和“对象池”,但却不知道如何使用它们来提升你的游戏的性能?你们的救星来啦!我撰写了这本书来解答这些问题。这是我在游戏中所使用的模式总结,这些模式能让我们的代码更整洁,更清晰易懂,以及运行更快!当我开始编写游戏时,我希望我有一本这样的书。 --------------------Bob Nystrom
2022-10-18 23:34:27 38.89MB 游戏编程模式 游戏设计模式 设计模式
Learn how to implement design patterns in Java: each pattern in Java Design Patterns is a complete implementation and the output is generated using Eclipse, making the code accessible to all. The examples are chosen so you will be able to absorb the core concepts easily and quickly. This book presents the topic of design patterns in Java in such a way that anyone can grasp the idea. By giving easy to follow examples, you will understand the concepts with increasing depth. The examples presented are straightforward and the topic is presented in a concise manner. Key features of the book: Each of the 23 patterns is described with straightforward Java code. There is no need to know advanced concepts of Java to use this book. Each of the concepts is connected with a real world example and a computer world example. The book uses Eclipse IDE to generate the output because it is the most popular IDE in this field. This is a practitioner's book on design patterns in Java. Design patterns are a popular topic in software development. A design pattern is a common, well-described solution to a common software problem. There is a lot of written material available on design patterns, but scattered and not in one single reference source. Also, many of these examples are unnecessarily big and complex. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Observer Patterns Chapter 3: Singleton Patterns Chapter 4: Proxy Patterns Chapter 5: Decorator Patterns Chapter 6: Template Method Patterns Chapter 7: Strategy Patterns (Or, Policy Patterns) Chapter 8: Adapter Patterns Chapter 9: Command Patterns Chapter 10: Iterator Patterns Chapter 11: Facade Patterns Chapter 12: Factory Method Patterns Chapter 13: Memento Patterns Chapter 14: State Patterns Chapter 15: Builder Patterns Chapter 16: Flyweight Patterns Chapter 17: Abstract Factory Patterns Chapter 18: Mediator Patterns Chapter 19: Prototype Patterns Chapter 20: Chain of Responsibility Patterns Chapter 21: Composite Patterns Chapter 22: Bridge Patterns (Or Handle/Body Patterns) Chapter 23: Visitor Patterns Chapter 24: Interpreter Patterns
2022-10-03 15:24:58 6.24MB Java Design Patterns
2022-09-02 14:05:56 72.04MB 微服务 架构设计
设计模式精解(Design Patterns Explained),中文版+英文PDF版+英文chm版
2022-09-02 10:58:53 19.07MB 设计模式
设计模式精解(Design Patterns Explained),中文版+英文PDF版+英文chm版
2022-09-02 10:55:55 17.33MB 设计模式
2022-08-29 19:20:47 10.39MB 设计模式
GOF-设计模式-Design Patterns-英文原版-高清-有目录-有页码
2022-08-27 17:45:58 2.59MB GOF 设计模式 Design Patterns