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中文名: Oracle11g第2版的高可用性 (第2版) 原名: Oracle Database 11g Release 2 High Availability: Maximize Your Availability with Grid Infrastructure, RAC and Data Guard 作者: Scott Jesse Bill Burton Bryan Vongray 资源格式: PDF 版本: 英文文字版 出版社: McGraw Hill书号: 9780071752084发行时间: 2011年03月22日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 内容介绍: Protect your critical business assets and achieve maximum database uptime using the detailed information in this Oracle Press guide. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 High Availability: Maximize Your Availability with Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Real Application Clusters, and Oracle Data Guard, Second Edition provides cost-effective solutions to current availability challenges. Discover how to grid-enable your IT framework, roll out Oracle Real Application Clusters, maintain standby databases, and deploy Oracle Flashback. Monitoring, tuning, and disaster recovery techniques are also covered in this comprehensive resource. 目录: Part I: Oracle's Grid Infrastructure Chapter 1. Architecting the Oracle Database Grid Chapter 2. Oracle VM Chapter 3. Grid Infrastructure Chapter 4. Grid Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Chapter 5. Oracle Automatic Storage Management Part II: Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) Chapter 6. Oracle RAC Setup/Configuration Chapter 7. Oracle RAC Administration Chapter 8. Utility Computing: Applications as Service Part III: Disaster Planning Chapter 9. Oracle Data Guard Chapter 10. Backup and Recovery for MAA Environments Chapter 11. Flashback Recovery Part IV: Enhancing Availability with Additional Features Chapter 12. Oracle Data Guard Broker Chapter 13. Oracle Data Control Index
2023-01-22 14:45:00 6.85MB Oracle
Oracle Database 11g DBA手册 中文版
2022-12-30 09:59:42 75.14MB oracle oracle11g DBA 中文版
2022-12-09 14:15:49 3.59MB Oracle11g
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