modern operating systems 3rd&4rd 现代操作系统 第三版 第四版 带书签,超清,经典之作,供大家对比参考
2021-08-29 09:35:20 51.72MB modern operating systems
Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 3e , is ideal for introductory courses on computer operating systems. Written by the creator of Minux, professional programmers will now have the most up-to-date tutorial and reference available today.Revised to address the latest version of MINIX (MINIX 3), this streamlined, simplified new edition remains the only operating systems text to first explain relevant principles, then demonstrate their applications using a Unix-like operating system as a detailed example. It has been especially designed for high reliability, for use in embedded systems, and for ease of teaching.,解压密码
2021-08-16 14:15:43 7.83MB 英文
嵌入式系统RTOS大全 (超清pdf原创编辑文档) 文中例举了全世界的嵌入式系统开发系统并作了简介. This is a list of real-time operating systems. An RTOS is an operating system in which the maximum time from an input stimulus to an output response can be definitely determined.
2021-08-12 08:52:22 616KB Real-Time Operating Systems 嵌入式系统
Operating Systems Design and Implementation(3rd Edition).rar
2021-07-04 20:29:56 6.39MB and Design Implementation(3rd Operating
Guide to Operating Systems By 作者: Greg Tomsho ISBN-10 书号: 1305107640 ISBN-13 书号: 9781305107649 Edition 版本: 5 Released: 2016-08-30 pages 页数: (688 ) $199.95 Discover the latest information for working on Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX/Linux platforms with GUIDE TO OPERATING SYSTEMS, 5E. You examine operating system theory, installation, upgrading, configuring operating system and hardware, file systems, virtualization, security, hardware options, storage, resource sharing, network connectivity, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Easily understood and highly practical, GUIDE TO OPERATING SYSTEMS, 5E is the resource you need to deepen your understanding of different operating systems. This edition helps you understand the fundamental concepts of computer operating systems. The book specifically addresses Windows 10 and earlier Windows client OSs, Windows Server 2012 R2 and earlier Windows server OSs with a preview of Windows Server 2016, Fedora Linux, and Mac OS X El Capitan and earlier. In addition, general information prepares you to work with many other operating systems. Contents Introduction Chapter 1:Operating Systems Fundamentals Chapter 2:Popular Operating Systems Chapter 3:The Central Processing Unit(CPU) Chapter 4:File Systems Chapter 5:Installing and Upgrading Operating Systems Chapter 6:Configuring Input and Output Devices Chapter 7:Using and Configuring Storage Devices Chapter 8:Virtualization and Cloud Computing Fundamentals Chapter 9:Configuring a Network Connection Chapter 10:Sharing Resources and Working with Accounts Chapter 11:Operating Systems Management and Maintenance
2021-06-11 18:21:12 24.03MB design
亲测好用 威斯康辛大学研究生操作系统课本,但其实适合具有一般英语水平的本科生阅读,因为全书对词汇量要求不多,且生动有趣。 本书已带完美版书签
2021-06-08 00:22:11 8.21MB ostep
Andrew S.Tanenbaum 拥有美国麻省理工学院的理学学士学位和加州大学伯克利分校的哲学博士学位,目前是荷兰阿姆斯特丹Vrije大学的计算机科学系教授,并领导着一个计算机系统的研究小组。多年来,他在操作系统、编译技术、网络及局域分布式系统方面进行了大量的研究工作,并在各种学术杂志及会议上发表了多篇论文,同时还是5本计算机专著的作者。Tanenbaurn是ACM会员、IEEE资深会员、荷兰皇家艺术和科学学院院士,多次获得计算机教育杰出贡献奖。他还入选了《世界名人录》。
2021-05-25 12:15:11 8.94MB Modern Operating System
Operating Systems Principles and Practice 2nd Edition,第二版,四合一,全部都有。
2021-05-10 18:28:04 48.26MB Operating System 2nd Edition
Pintos-Project-4:我自己的Pintos Project 4实施
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles (7th Edition)
2021-04-19 20:08:37 4.78MB OS