2021-11-10 21:09:25 16.22MB 几何测度论
unity测量线Measure Line
2021-11-01 20:05:41 4.67MB unity3d
2021-11-01 16:12:03 562KB 语音降噪 语音增强 语音评估
Authors Krishna B. Athreya Soumendra N. Lahiri Copyright 2006 Publisher Springer-Verlag New York DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-35434-7 This is a graduate level textbook on measure theory and probability theory. The book can be used as a text for a two semester sequence of courses in measure theory and probability theory, with an option to include supplemental material on stochastic processes and special topics. It is intended primarily for first year Ph.D. students in mathematics and statistics although mathematically advanced students from engineering and economics would also find the book useful. Prerequisites are kept to the minimal level of an understanding of basic real analysis concepts such as limits, continuity, differentiability, Riemann integration, and convergence of sequences and series. A review of this material is included in the appendix.
2021-10-17 15:17:42 4.95MB 测度论概率论
2021-10-02 16:58:36 5.57MB Bogachev Measure Theory
这本书讲的就是OKR (Objectives and Key Results) 从问题的角度也更好理解OKR。在公司、团队扩大的过程(尤其中/大型团队),常出现这样的问题: - 团队整体缺乏工作重点、分配资源困难 - 团队内的各成员间协作困难,不知道其他人在干什么,或者每个人有不同但都有意义的目标 这两者会导致团队的产出平庸、工作效率低下,OKR就是用来解决这些问题的
2021-09-24 01:52:30 14.95MB IT OKR
著名的Mobileye论文,精度测量得到:90米误差大约10%, 44米误差约为5%。 文中详细介绍了单目视觉测距原理和步骤,以及实验和结果,可以参考博客https://blog.csdn.net/Fan0920/article/details/107615148中对该文的研究总结加以讨论和学习!
2021-08-26 15:27:03 692KB 单目视觉测距
2021-08-11 13:00:15 44.38MB griffin
In this paper we propose a new image randomness measure using Shannon entropy over local image blocks. The proposed local Shannon entropy measure overcomes several weaknesses of the conventional global Shannon entropy measure, including unfair randomness comparisons between images of different sizes, failure to discern image randomness before and after image shuffling, and possible inaccurate scores for synthesized images. Statistical tests pertinent to this new measure are also derived. This new measure is therefore both quantitative and qualitative. The parameters in the local Shannon entropy measure are further optimized for a better capture of local image randomness. The estimated statistics and observed distribution from 50,000 experiments match the theoretical ones. Finally, two examples are given, applying the proposed measure to image randomness among shuffled images and encrypted images. Both examples show that the proposed method is more effective and more accurate than the global Shannon entropy measure
2021-07-17 17:54:16 3.81MB local Shannon entropy measure
使用ArcGIS JS API4.X版本做的地图测量功能,具体效果可参考:https://blog.csdn.net/shijie_nihao/article/details/99249361
2021-06-29 15:27:54 10KB 长度测量 面积测量 arcgisjsapi4