2021-10-22 15:09:41 259KB Matlab 有限元分析
matlab有限元结构动力学分析与工程应用 源程序,淘宝买了这本书,网上搜的源程序不全,特向徐斌老师要了源程序,就放这儿吧,方便大家!呵呵,推荐大家买徐斌老师这本书!
2021-10-18 19:30:49 104KB matlab 有限元 结构动力学
Matlab有限元网格化源程序-huniform.m MIT的人写的论文,一个简单的有限元网格化方法 确实可以用,但是我理解的不是很好。 不过,希望对需要的人有所帮助。 简单介绍: function [p,t]=distmesh2d This meshing function produces the following outputs: • The node positions p. This N-by-2 array contains the x, y coordinates for each of the N nodes. • The triangle indices t. The row associated with each triangle has 3 integer entries to specify node numbers in that triangle. The input arguments are as follows: • The geometry is given as a distance function fd. This function returns the signed distance from each node location p to the closest boundary. • The desired edge length function h is given as a function fh, which returns h for all input points. • The parameter h0 is the distance between points in the initial distribution p0. For uniform meshes = constant), the element size in the final mesh will usually be a little larger than this input. • The bounding box for the region is an array bbox=[xmin, ymin; xmax, ymax]. • The fixed node positions are given as an array pfix with two columns. • Additional parameters to the functions fd and fh can be given in the last arguments varargin .
2021-10-17 12:48:36 84B matlab
matlab有限元分析与应用源代码-BilinearQuadElementStiffness2.m 用MATLAB做有限元分析时候 不再为没有finite element analysis tool而烦恼
2021-10-08 21:38:46 2KB matlab
matlab有限元法计算分析程序编写一本还可以的书 值得一看!!!!!
2021-09-14 18:55:25 250KB matlab 有限元
求解混凝土水坝应力应变问题的有限元算例。采用四边形等参单元求解,属于平面应力问题。附PDF报告与四个matlab m文件,总行数近700行。
2021-09-09 12:01:13 945KB Matlab 有限元 平面应力应变 等参单元
MATLAB有限元分析与应用源代码模型保证标准和模型校正或更新: 这是一项独立研究,旨在使用测试数据探索有限元模型的模态更新。 FE模型(例如3D Beam和8节点Brick元素)已在MATLAB中进行了编码,并通过Ansys Apdl进行了验证。 使用称为“ OpenModal”的开源实验模态分析软件在实验室环境中进行了测试,该软件已通过现有的Bobcat商业软件进行了验证。 该项目在Python jupyter笔记本中进行了系统地解释。 对使用的模块和书籍的引用: :由约瑟夫·斯莱特博士撰写 :创建为Python编写的用于振动测试的开源软件,具有出色的功能。 :由约瑟夫·斯莱特博士撰写 :由约瑟夫·斯莱特博士撰写 MI Friswell和JE Mottershead在结构动力学中更新有限元模型 有限元分析的概念和应用,第四版,Robert D. Cook,David S. Malkus,Michael E. Plesha和Robert J. Witt
2021-09-04 19:34:39 34.14MB 系统开源
2021-08-27 16:59:43 5.31MB Matlab
Matlab有限元网格化源程序-distmesh2d.m MIT的人写的论文,一个简单的有限元网格化方法 确实可以用,但是我理解的不是很好。 不过,希望对需要的人有所帮助。 简单介绍: function [p,t]=distmesh2d This meshing function produces the following outputs: • The node positions p. This N-by-2 array contains the x, y coordinates for each of the N nodes. • The triangle indices t. The row associated with each triangle has 3 integer entries to specify node numbers in that triangle. The input arguments are as follows: • The geometry is given as a distance function fd. This function returns the signed distance from each node location p to the closest boundary. • The desired edge length function h is given as a function fh, which returns h for all input points. • The parameter h0 is the distance between points in the initial distribution p0. For uniform meshes = constant), the element size in the final mesh will usually be a little larger than this input. • The bounding box for the region is an array bbox=[xmin, ymin; xmax, ymax]. • The fixed node positions are given as an array pfix with two columns. • Additional parameters to the functions fd and fh can be given in the last arguments varargin .
2021-08-10 19:43:31 2KB matlab