XR互动工具包示例 使用通过示例资产和行为演示其功能的示例项目。 该存储库的目的是提供一种开始使用XR Interaction Toolkit软件包中的功能的方法。 技术细节 预览包 XR Interaction Toolkit是作为预览包提供的,因此它仍在变得足够稳定以便发布的过程中。 在准备发布之前,此软件包中的功能和文档可能会更改。 此外,此示例中包括的行为可能会以不保持向后兼容性的方式更改。 要求 这些项目与以下版本的Unity Editor兼容: 2019.4及更高版本 其他套餐 这些示例项目依赖于经过2019.4验证的其他Unity软件包: 分享反馈 是打开讨论和提出问题的最佳场所。 请使用提交功能请求。 如果遇到错误,请使用Unity编辑器中的Unity错误报告程序,可通过“帮助”>“报告错误”进行访问。 在标题中包括“ XR Interaction Toolkit
2021-11-04 09:28:52 32.66MB C#
实时检测人与物体的相互作用 这是一个开放项目的仓库,可实时检测人与物体之间的相互作用,请参见我们的更多详细信息。 内容 要求 硬件 GPU:Titan,Titan Black,Titan X,K20,K40,K80,GTX 软件 您应该安装matlab来验证HOI-RT的训练结果。 您应该安装cuda,opencv和cudnn。 然后设置Makefile的1-3行: GPU=1 CUDNN=1 OPENCV=1 安装 克隆HOI-RT存储库首先,创建一个名为detection的新文件夹,然后cd detection && git clone --recursive git@github.com:lmingyin/HOI-RT.git 建立项目cd $HOI-RT && make -j8 加载训练后的模型加载已在vcoco和我们标记的数据集中进行训练。 并将模型放在检测文件夹中。 测试
Alan Dix:《Human-Computer Interaction》,Pearson,2014.
2021-10-25 08:44:04 256KB 人机交互 软件工程
The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook 2ed[2008].pdf
2021-10-18 11:41:22 42.45MB CHI 2008
2021-10-18 08:05:42 130.98MB 人机交互 交互设计 软件工程
UT-Interaction 是一个人类交互动作视频数据,包括20个视频序列,6类人类交互动作:握手、指点、拥抱、击打、推、踢拳,视频格式为 720x480,30fps,视频中人像的大小为 200像素。
2021-08-31 11:25:53 582.09MB 动作识别 视频内容理解 机器视觉
human-computer interaction an empirical research perspective
2021-08-07 17:09:18 5.89MB hci
Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction Second Edition人机交互领域中一本不错的书,很多做人机交互的相关研究都在参考这本书,这是第二版,英文原版,全面详细的讲述如何进行HCI的相关研究。
2021-08-07 16:55:03 15.08MB HCI
Computational Interaction ISBN-10 书号: 0198799616 ISBN-13 书号: 9780198799610 出版日期: 2018-04-08 pages 页数: (432) Edited by ANTTI OULASVIRTA Associate Professor Aalto University PER OLA KRISTENSSON University Reader in Interactive Systems Engineering University of Cambridge XIAOJUN BI Assistant Professor Stony Brook University ANDREW HOWES Professor and Head of School at the School of Computer Science University of Birmingham This book presents computational interaction as an approach to explaining and enhancing the interaction between humans and information technology. Computational interaction applies abstraction, automation, and analysis to inform our understanding of the structure of interaction and also to inform the design of the software that drives new and exciting human-computer interfaces. The methods of computational interaction allow, for example, designers to identify user interfaces that are optimal against some objective criteria. They also allow software engineers to build interactive systems that adapt their behaviour to better suit individual capacities and preferences. Embedded in an iterative design process, computational interaction has the potential to complement human strengths and provide methods for generating inspiring and elegant designs. Computational interaction does not exclude the messy and complicated behaviour of humans, rather it embraces it by, for example, using models that are sensitive to uncertainty and that capture subtle variations between individual users. It also promotes the idea that there are many aspects of interaction that can be augmented by algorithms. This book introduces computational interaction design to the reader by exploring a wide range of computational interaction techniques, strategies and methods. It explains how techniques such as optimisation, economic modelling, machine learning, control theory, formal methods, cognitive models and statistical language processing can be used to model interaction and design m
2021-07-17 20:15:45 21MB machine lear
2021-07-16 09:03:44 406KB UWB