2021-09-11 11:58:35 7.77MB 信号完整性
一. 电源噪声的起因及危害 造成电源不稳定的根源主要在于两个方面:一是器件高速开关状态下,瞬态的交变电流 过大;二是电流回路上存在的电感。从表现形式上来看又可以分为三类:同步开关噪声(SSN),有时被称为Δi噪声,地弹(Ground bounce)现象也可归于此类(图1-a);非理想电源阻抗影响(图1-b);谐振及边缘效应(图1-c)。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 二. 电源阻抗设计 电源噪声的产生在很大程度上归结于非理想的电源分配系统(简称PDS,即Power Distribution System)。所谓电源分配系统,其作用就是给系统内的所有器件提供足够的电源,这些器件不但需要足够的功率消耗,同时对电源的平稳性也有一定的要求。大部分数字电路器件对电源波动的要求在正常电压的+/-5%范围之内。电源之所以波动,就是因为实际的电源平面总是存在着阻抗,这样,在瞬间电流通过的时候,就会产生一定的电压降和电压摆动。 为了保证每个器件始终都能得到正常的电源供应,就需要对电源的阻抗进行控制,也就是尽可能降低其阻抗。比如,一个5伏的电源,允许的电压噪声为5%,最大瞬间电流为1安培,那么设计的最大电源阻抗为:
2021-08-26 21:07:56 519KB Power Integrity PI
信号完整性基础培训(Signal Integrity SI),对信号性能进行分析
2021-08-09 10:52:56 4.55MB 信号完整性 SI
The first book to focus on the electromagnetic basis of signal integrity The Foundations of Signal Integrity is the first of its kind—a reference that examines the physical foundation of system integrity based on electromagnetic theory derived from Maxwell's Equations. Drawing upon the cutting-edge research of Professor Paul Huray's team of industrial engineers and graduate students, it develops the physical theory of wave propagation using methods of solid state and high-energy physics, mathematics, chemistry, and electrical engineering before addressing its application to modern high-speed systems. Coverage includes: All the necessary electromagnetic theory needed for a complete understanding of signal integrity Techniques for obtaining analytic solutions to Maxwell's Equations for ideal materials and boundary conditions Plane electromagnetic waves Plane waves in compound media Transmission lines and waveguides Ideal models vs. real-world systems Complex permittivity of propagating media Surface roughness Advanced signal integrity Signal integrity simulations Problem sets for each chapter With its thorough coverage of this relatively new discipline, the book serves as an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and junior graduate students, as well as a resource for practicing engineers in this burgeoning field. At the end of each section, it typically stimulates the reader with open-ended questions that might lead to future theses or dissertation research.
2021-07-16 17:54:20 5.57MB Signal Integrity
Detecting Integrity Attacks on Control Systems using a Moving Target CDC4.pdf
2021-06-13 17:00:04 499KB 网络攻击
本测试方法提供了各种测试条件,用于确定引线/封装接口以及引线本身的完整性,这些引线是由于错误的电路板组装工艺而导致引线弯曲,然后需要返工的零件进行重新组装。 对于密封包装,需要按照JESD22A109(测试方法A109)进行密封测试,以识别施加到密封件和引线上的应力的任何不利影响。 此测试方法中的所有测试条件都被认为具有破坏性,仅建议用于资格测试。 此测试方法适用于所有需要用户形成引线的通孔器件和表面安装器件。
2021-05-29 11:01:58 117KB JEDEC JESD22-B105E 引线 完整性
HPE Integrity rx2800 &rx2900 & BL870C i6 & rx9800刀片式服务器HP-UX 11.31 系统安装与配置
2021-05-27 09:04:00 24.89MB SI
2021-05-27 09:03:59 17.88MB IO PI
轻量级文件完整性检查器。 它将保留一个具有文件sha1 / md5指纹的数据库,并在命令中扫描是否有任何更改,添加或删除的文件。 它可以输出到日志文件,电子邮件,系统日志或事件日志。 满足PCI-DSS 1.2要求
2021-05-07 17:03:45 22KB 开源软件