图论〔Graph Theory〕是数学的一个分支。它以图为研究对象。图论中的图是由若干给定的点及连接两点的线所构成的图形,这种图形通常用来描述某些事物之间的某种特定关系,用点代表事物,用连接两点的线表示相应两个事物间具有这种关系。
2021-09-01 22:01:57 6.31MB 图论 Graph Theory
英文电子书:Applied Graph Theory In Computer Vision And Pattern Recognition
2021-08-30 21:19:14 7.8MB Computer Vision And Pattern
Introduction to Graph Theory Second Edition by D. West
2021-08-22 13:10:59 62.65MB 图论
Introduction to Graph Theory 2nd edition [d. b. west] PDF 书签+目录
2021-08-22 12:39:50 59.53MB Graph Theory
(Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics) Mehran Mesbahi, Magnus Egerstedt-Graph Theoretic Methods in Multiagent Networks (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)-Princeton University Press (2010)
2021-08-20 16:36:57 4.86MB graph theory
2021-08-16 14:06:01 27KB Floyd graph theory
Daniel A. Spielman Dept. of Computer Science Program in Applied Mathematics Yale Unviersity
2021-08-10 14:21:43 4.47MB spectral graph
Graph Theory has become an important discipline in its own right because of its applications to Computer Science, Communication Networks, and Combinatorial optimization through the design of efficient algorithms. It has seen increasing interactions with other areas of Mathematics. Although this book can ably serve as a reference for many of the most important topics in Graph Theory, it even precisely fulfills the promise of being an effective textbook. The main attention lies to serve the students of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Operations Research ensuring fulfillment of their necessity for Algorithms. In the selection and presentation of material, it has been attempted to accommodate elementary concepts on essential basis so as to offer guidance to those new to the field.
2021-08-02 18:46:44 2.61MB book graph theory algorityhms
2021-07-12 18:22:06 21.55MB Matching Theory Graph Theory
经典图论教程的中文PDF版 由A.Bondy编写,是图论的经典教材之一,这次是其经典教材的中文版
2021-07-05 11:08:25 5.2MB J.A . Bondy