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在本文中,我们考虑了为连续时间非线性系统开发控制器的问题,其中控制该系统的方程式未知。 利用这些测量结果,提出了两个新的在线方案,这些方案通过两个基于自适应动态编程(ADP)的新实现方案来合成控制器,而无需为系统构建或假设系统模型。 为了避免对系统的先验知识的需求,引入了预补偿器以构造增强系统。 通过自适应动态规划求解相应的Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)方程,该方程由最小二乘技术,神经网络逼近器和策略迭代(PI)算法组成。 我们方法的主要思想是通过最小二乘技术对状态,状态导数和输入信息进行采样以更新神经网络的权重。 更新过程是在PI框架中实现的。 本文提出了两种新的实现方案。 最后,给出了几个例子来说明我们的方案的有效性。 (C)2014 ISA。 由Elsevier Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。
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Welcome to the Practitioner Bundle of Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python! This volume is meant to be the next logical step in your deep learning for computer vision education after completing the Starter Bundle. At this point, you should have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of parameterized learning, neural net works, and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). You should also feel relatively comfortable using the Keras library and the Python programming language to train your own custom deep learning networks. The purpose of the Practitioner Bundle is to build on your knowledge gained from the Starter Bundle and introduce more advanced algorithms, concepts, and tricks of the trade — these tech- niques will be covered in three distinct parts of the book. The first part will focus on methods that are used to boost your classification accuracy in one way or another. One way to increase your classification accuracy is to apply transfer learning methods such as fine-tuning or treating your network as a feature extractor. We’ll also explore ensemble methods (i.e., training multiple networks and combining the results) and how these methods can give you a nice classification boost with little extra effort. Regularization methods such as data augmentation are used to generate additional training data – in nearly all situations, data augmentation improves your model’s ability to generalize. More advanced optimization algorithms such as Adam [1], RMSprop [2], and others can also be used on some datasets to help you obtain lower loss. After we review these techniques, we’ll look at the optimal pathway to apply these methods to ensure you obtain the maximum amount of benefit with the least amount of effort.
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