(2018-2019)fps unity源码FPS.zip
2022-10-30 09:24:59 62.77MB unity
2022-10-29 19:07:23 602.09MB FPS Unity
目标跟踪 C++ OpenCV KCF目标追踪 ,速度快 fps 20+,精度高, 注释详细,可直接用
2022-10-28 21:05:24 207.65MB OpenCV 目标追踪
SciFi-FPS-Demo 2019、2020unity源码.zip
2022-10-28 18:07:12 149.61MB unity
2022-10-27 14:06:46 257.56MB unity
lowpol FPS 游戏unity源码.rar
2022-10-27 14:06:41 120MB unity
基于yolov5的fps游戏射击游戏辅助项目源码 安装教程 配置好pytorch环境后安装requirements.txt里面所需要的包 运行gametools目录下面的screen.py即可启动项目 识别到游戏人物头部之后鼠标会自动移动到头部然后开枪
2022-10-18 09:08:44 28.24MB 游戏 yolov5 FPS 游戏射击
UE5使用DLSS(超级采样)提升场景的 FPS 远离卡顿的优化方案
2022-10-13 11:37:53 49B UE5 DLSS
opencv的fps源码分析及基于ffmpeg的解决方案 密码6967
2022-10-08 09:06:05 87KB opencv ffmpeg
WINNER of the BEST DEVELOPMENT TOOL in the Unity Awards Main Features: - FPS (Graph and Text) - Memory (Graph and Text) - Audio (Graph and Text) - Advanced device information - Debugging tools Additional features: - Customizable look and feel - Multiple layouts - Custom Inspector - Hotkeys - Easy to use API (accessible from code) - Works on multiple platforms - Background Mode - Works from Unity 5.4 and up! (Unity 2019.3+ recommended) - Well documented C# and Shader code included
2022-10-06 14:05:11 4.54MB unity