Jonathan Valvano has been teaching microcontrollers and embedded systems at the University of Texas at Austin for 35 years. He has written eight college textbooks. His textbooks on have been widely used around the world, with a total sales of over 20,000 books. He earned his BS and MS from MIT in 1977 in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. In 1981, he received his PhD from Harvard-MIT in the field of biomedical engineering. He has over 100 journal papers, 9 book chapters and 10 patents in the medical device research area. He is a cofounder of a successful medical device company, specializing in miniature and low-power cardiac measurements. The reason he has received numerous teaching awards at the University of Texas is because he and his students share a common interest at the very core of the education process: the students' own success. Together with Professor Yerraballi he has produced two widely successful MOOCs on edX. "It is difficult to find a professor that tries harder to educate and inspire his students than Professor Valvano" - Robin Tsang. Valvano lives by this motto, “There are three steps to immortality: acknowledge your limitations, ask for forgiveness, and then do something special today to make the world a better place.”
2021-08-18 13:42:21 9.01MB 嵌入式
This tutorial reference takes the reader from use cases to complete architectures for real-time embedded systems using SysML, UML, and MARTE and shows how to apply the COMET/RTE design method to real-world problems. The author covers key topics such as architectural patterns for distributed and hierarchical real-time control and other real-time software architectures, performance analysis of real-time designs using real-time scheduling, and timing analysis on single and multiple processor systems. Complete case studies illustrating design issues include a light rail control system, a microwave oven control system, and an automated highway toll system. Organized as an introduction followed by several self-contained chapters, the book is perfect for experienced software engineers wanting a quick reference at each stage of the analysis, design, and development of large-scale real-time embedded systems, as well as for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in software engineering, computer engineering, and software design. Table of Contents Part I: Overview Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Overview of UML, SysML, and MARTE Chapter 3. Real-Time Software Design and Architecture Concepts Part II: Real-Time Software Design Method Chapter 4. Overview of Real-Time Software Design Method for Embedded Systems Chapter 5. Structural Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems with SysML and UML Chapter 6. Use Case Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 7. State Machines for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 8. Object and Class Structuring for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 9. Dynamic Interaction Modeling for Real-Time Embedded Software Chapter 10. Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 11. Software Architectural Patterns for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 12. Component-Based Software Architectures for Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 13. Concurrent Real-Time Software Task Design Chapter 14. Detailed Real-Time Software Design Chapter
2021-08-16 14:57:14 24.4MB Embedded Real-Time Software Design
Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++中文版----C和C++嵌入式系統編程.pdf
2021-08-09 10:46:22 1.6MB 嵌入式系統編程
C嵌入式编程设计模式 Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C 英文版 First edition 2011 介绍如何使用设计模式为嵌入式系统创建高效且优化的C语言设计,这些设计方法已经实践证明非常有效。 针对嵌入式系统中发生的问题,本书的设计模式给出了模式化的解决方案。 通过学习本书,你将获得嵌入式领域专家来之不易的经验。 嵌入式设计模式,识货的不多说。。。。。
2021-08-03 14:30:09 9.83MB C 嵌入式 设计模式
Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified 嵌入式开发初学者很好的起步教材 写自己的操作系统
2021-07-30 09:44:12 211KB 专题
《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版·第2版)》是嵌入式系统权威、Jack Ganssle多年实践经验的结晶。1999年《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版.第2版)》上一版出版后,很快成为本领域的经典著作,产生了广泛而深远的影响。新版针对嵌入式系统开发中一些本质性和新出现的问题提出了大量深刻见解,内容涵盖编程、软硬件设计、调试、质量、管理等嵌入式系统项目开发的方方面面。 与一般同类图书不同的是,《嵌入式系统设计的艺术(英文版·第2版)》不讲枯燥的大道理,而是强调开发和管理思想。善于运用故事,结合作者自己的许多心得和领悟,使读者有亲身受教之感,是嵌入式系统工程技术与管理人员的必读之作,也是高等学校相关专业师生的优秀参考书。 “本书将嵌入式开发的理论、经验和技巧熔于一炉,对技术人员更加深刻地理解开发过程意义重大。”   ——Software Development Times “我要是在学校的时候能读到这本书就好了,那样会少走多少年的弯路啊。”   ——Amazon读者评论 作者:(美国)甘瑟尔 (Jack ganssle) Jack Ganssle,嵌入式系统领域世界级权成。目前任Ganssle集团CEO,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)顾问。他有20多年从业经验。曾经创办过3家电子公司,包括一家领先的嵌入式开发工具厂商;主持开发了100多种嵌入式系统产品,包括美国白宫的安全系统,在线仿真器等等。他长年活跃于嵌入式开发社区,热心于传道解惑,多次在Embedded Systems Conference等业界顶级技术大会做主旨演讲,他的大师研讨斑帮助英特尔、西门子、TI等众多公司和成千上万的开发者提高了自己的嵌入式系统开发技能。他也是著名的技术作家,现任权威杂志Embedded stems Programming的技术主编,除本书外,他还撰写了The Art of Programming EmbeddedSystems等著作。
2021-07-11 11:20:12 1.55MB 嵌入式系统设计的艺术 第二版
2021-06-23 12:06:39 1.49MB Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified.pdf
Patterns for time triggered embedded systems pdf 注意:英文版清晰版 另外 还有对应的C代码一起打包 不要分 免费下载
2021-06-20 11:00:10 8.73MB Patterns for time
2021-06-16 18:02:35 1.19MB Cache Replacement EmbeddedSystem