BIDScoin:将您的影像数据硬币到BIDS BIDScoin是一种用户友好python工具包,可将(“硬币”)源级(原始)神经影像数据集转换为按照Brain Imaging数据结构(又称为标准)组织的 / / 数据集。 。然后,BIDScoin依靠复杂或模棱两可的程序逻辑来识别成像模态,而是使用映射方法来识别原始源数据并将其转换为BIDS数据。通过从MRI头文件(DICOM或PAR / REC;例如ProtocolName )中读取信息来识别源数据的不同运行,并且研究人员可以事先指定或交互地指定有关这些运行应如何转换为BIDS的映射信息- -引入通常只存在于他或她的脑海中的缺失的知识! 由于可以使用轻松编辑所有映射信息,因此BIDScoin不需要任何编程知识即可使用它。 BIDScoin由的开发。 BIDScoin功能 [x] DICOM源数据 [x] PAR / REC源数
2021-10-11 19:58:13 3.3MB conversion dicom mri pet
该工具的英文版评价: 其它信息和说明: Unix systems with Python 2.3 through 2.7: wget perl fable_bundle.selfx source fable_build/ fable.cout --example Windows systems (XP or higher): Download fable_win_xp.exe fable_build\setpaths.bat fable.cout --example The fable.cout --example command is known to work with gcc 3.2 or higher, Visual C++ 7.1 or higher, and with recent development versions of clang++.
2021-09-25 23:32:25 903KB Fortran C++ conversion
voc2YOLO_conversion 输入包含VOC格式文件文件(.xml)的文件夹,并返回包含文本文件(.txt)的文件夹,即转换为YOLO格式文件
2021-09-10 12:00:10 2KB Python
HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF转换工具(HEG)是一种开发工具,允许用户对HDF-EOS对象重定格式、重新投影和执行拼接/拼接和裁剪操作。它还可以重定格式和重新投影一些SMAP、VIIRS和SRTM产品。输出的GeoTIFF文件可以在GIS的软件中打开。HEG will also write to HDF-EOS Grid & SWATH formats (i.e for Subsetting purposes) and native (or raw) binary.
2021-09-06 12:56:17 2.23MB MODIS HEG
2021-08-15 01:58:34 19.65MB 视频格式转换 转FLV ffmpeg
解决安装vs2012后vs2010 LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF Wrong version: 03/18/2010 01:16 PM 31,048 cvtres.exe Correct version: 02/21/2011 06:03 PM 31,056 cvtres.exe
2021-08-02 21:55:27 17KB fatal error LNK1123 failure
dBm-Vpp-Vrms-Watts Conversion
2021-07-29 13:20:12 44KB dBm Vpp Vrms Watts
2021-07-19 13:16:34 1.74MB MCTK
This textbook is appropriate for use in graduate-level curricula in analog-to-digital conversion, as well as for practicing engineers in need of a state-of-the-art reference on data converters. It discusses various analog-to-digital conversion principles, including sampling, quantization, reference generation, nyquist architectures and sigma-delta modulation. This book presents an overview of the state of the art in this field and focuses on issues of optimizing accuracy and speed, while reducing the power level. This new, third edition emphasizes novel calibration concepts, the specific requirements of new systems, the consequences of 22-nm technology and the need for a more statistical approach to accuracy. Pedagogical enhancements to this edition include additional, new exercises, solved examples to introduce all key, new concepts and warnings, remarks and hints, from a practitioner's perspective, wherever appropriate. Considerable background information and practical tips, from designing a PCB, to lay-out aspects, to trade-offs on system level, complement the discussion of basic principles, making this book a valuable reference for the experienced engineer.
2021-07-12 09:43:14 19.95MB adc
MCTK MODIS Conversion Toolkit是一个ENVI插件,可以处理所有已知的MODIS产品。 它提取原始的HDF文件,并允许您选择要使用的数据集。 它包括对条幅投影和网格重新投影的支持,并带有用于大批量处理作业的API。 请单击上方的“释放”按钮或单击此链接以下载插件: :
2021-07-04 22:22:16 1.25MB 附件源码 文章源码