本体开发套件 初始化一个Git存储库,以OBO库方式管理您的本体! 有关更多详细信息,请参见 说明:创建一个新的本体项目 我们将引导您完成新的本体项目的步骤 1.安装并启动Docker 请参阅下面的替代协议,在该协议中,您自己安装软件而不是使用Docker 2.下载包装器脚本并提取最新的ODK版本 Linux / Mac: PC: 首先,请确保已运行Docker(在Mac的工具栏中,您将看到Docker whale) 为了确保您安装了最新版本的ODK,请在命令行中运行 docker pull obolibrary/odkfull 注意第一次运行时,它可能会很慢,而docker下载必要的映像。 不用担心,后续运行应该更快! 3.运行包装器脚本 您可以传入指定本体项目设置的project.yaml文件,也可以在命令行中传递参数。 注意:自2020年11月17日起,OBO铸造厂强烈建议不要使用两个或三个字母OBO ID,并且不允许使用带有字母“ O”的OBO ID。 在命令行上传递参数: ./seed-via-docker.sh -d po -d ro -d pat
2021-01-30 14:08:48 139KB robot continuous-integration owl ontology
加入我们 渠道 主 Heroku <授权原型> TDD测试 PHPUnit BDD测试 Behat 卡兰 覆盖范围 其他CI引擎的报告[主版] 演示: : [与主机不同步,因为前端尚未准备好] 战舰游戏API 这是节省时间的项目,正在进行中! 高度实验!!! 项目目的 尝试尖端技术和服务,现代方法,例如测试自动化,持续集成{CI} |部署{CD} 模拟数据库加载[每个请求约500个事务] 在面试之前提供有关我的技术知识的预览 证明技术知识水平,事先面试 游戏作弊码 AI玩家只有一艘船[单细胞]位于B2细胞[目的:易于手动测试] 如果您将击中B2细胞-您将获胜 软件需求 PHP 7.1 支持的数据库引擎之一 MySQL> = 5.5 MariaDB> = 9.0 PostgreSQL> = 9.3 SQLite> = 3 具有CGI的http服务器,例如[示例:apache,nginx] 作曲家> = 1.0.3 技术栈 关键技术 PHP 7.1 [SF3
JMeter Maven插件 一个Maven插件,可以在您的构建中运行JMeter测试 有关更改信息,请参见 。 上提供了配置插件所需的所有文档。 最新版本是3.3.0 ,它需要Maven> = 3.5.2,并且默认为Apache JMeter 5.4.1 。 此插件需要8到11之间的JDK。 如果使用Java 11,请确保使用最新版本以避免遇到此 ,请同时阅读 。 运行GUI 将插件添加到项目中之后,您将可以使用以下命令来调用JMeter GUI: mvn jmeter:configure jmeter:gui 如果要预加载测试,可以在命令行上指定它: mvn jmeter:configure jmeter:gui -DguiTestFile=src/test/jmeter/test.jmx 如果尚未将插件添加到项目中,则仍可以使用以下命令调用插件(前提是您的项目中有有效的pom.xml): mvn com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-maven-plugin:configure com.lazerycode.jmeter:jmeter-mave
2021-01-30 14:08:44 252KB java continuous-integration load-testing jmeter
2021-01-30 05:07:33 258KB kubernetes devops continuous-integration ci
Title: Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook, 2nd Edition Author: Alan Mark Berg Length: 360 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-01-29 ISBN-10: 1784390089 ISBN-13: 9781784390082 Over 90 recipes to produce great results from Jenkins using pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions About This Book Explore the use of more than 40 best-of-breed plug-ins for improving efficiency Secure and maintain Jenkins by integrating it with LDAP and CAS, which is a Single Sign-on solution Step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions to optimize the existing features of Jenkins using the complete set of plug-ins that Jenkins offers Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer, a software architect, a technical project manager, a build manager, or a development or QA engineer, then this book is ideal for you. A basic understanding of the software development life cycle and Java development is needed, as well as a rudimentary understanding of Jenkins. In Detail Jenkins is an award-wining and one of the most popular Continuous Integration servers in the market today. It was designed to maintain, secure, communicate, test, build, and improve the software development process. This book starts by examining the most common maintenance tasks. This is followed by steps that enable you to enhance the overall security of Jenkins. You will then explore the relationship between Jenkins builds and Maven pom.xml. Then, you will learn how to use plugins to display code metrics and fail builds to improve quality, followed by how to run performance and functional tests against a web application and web services. Finally, you will see what the available plugins are, concluding with best practices to improve quality. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Maintaining Jenkins Chapter 2: Enhancing Security Chapter 3: Building Software Chapter 4: Communicating through Jenkins Chapter 5: Using Metrics to Improve Quality Chapter 6: Testing Remotely Chapter 7:
2015-03-05 00:00:00 8.13MB Jenkins Continuous Integration