开源算法 该项目是各种编程语言中各种算法的实现的集合。 这些算法非常有用且相对简单,建议任何计算机科学专业的学生都可以实施。 动机 此项目的动机是此 想要贡献? 看看 选择您要处理的问题 用选择的语言发表评论,之后您将被分配到该问题。 只有这样才能开始处理任务。 如果您选择的算法已经实现,请尝试对其进行优化。 如果当前尚不存在自述文件,请确保将其添加到自述文件中。 注意:鼓励以不同的语言实现已经实现的算法。 项目结构 回购的结构类似于 算法类别 算法名称 语言实现-源代码 当前实施的算法 编译器 LALR解析器 LL-1解析器 圆图 布雷森纳姆 加密 迪菲·赫尔曼 RSA Shamir秘密分享算法 图算法 0/1 BFS遍历 BFS遍历 双向Dijkstra 循环检测 DFS遍历 多源BFS 所有对最短路径(FloydWarshall) 贝尔曼福特算法 寻桥算法 拓扑排序 LeetCode解决方案 马尔可夫算法 维特比算法 网页排名 多项式解算器 牛顿法 设置检查 布隆过滤器 频率 排序 珠子排序 双音排序 气泡排序 递归气泡排序 桶分类 鸡尾酒排序 梳状排序 计数排序
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Beyond Spreadsheets with R shows you how to take raw data and transform it for use in computations, tables, graphs, and more. You’ll build on simple programming techniques like loops and conditionals to create your own custom functions. You’ll come away with a toolkit of strategies for analyzing and visualizing data of all sorts using R and RStudio. Spreadsheets are powerful tools for many tasks, but if you need to interpret, interrogate, and present data, they can feel like the wrong tools for the task. That’s when R programming is the way to go. The R programming language provides a comfortable environment to properly handle all types of data. And within the open source RStudio development suite, you have at your fingertips easy-to-use ways to simplify complex manipulations and create reproducible processes for analysis and reporting. With Beyond Spreadsheets with R you’ll learn how to go from raw data to meaningful insights using R and RStudio. Each carefully crafted chapter covers a unique way to wrangle data, from understanding individual values to interacting with complex collections of data, including data you scrape from the web. You’ll build on simple programming techniques like loops and conditionals to create your own custom functions. You’ll come away with a toolkit of strategies for analyzing and visualizing data of all sorts. What’s inside How to start programming with R and RStudio Understanding and implementing important R structures and operators Installing and working with R packages Tidying, refining, and plotting your data
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著名的 C++ 教科書。 適合初學者深入學習。 高清正版(非掃描檔)。 Author: Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel Paperback: 1104 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (March 25, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0132662361 ISBN-13: 978-0132662369
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