The classic "elastic band" deforms a path generated by a global planner with respect to the shortest path length while avoiding contact with obstacles. It does not take any dynamic constraints of the underlying robot into account directly. This contribution introduces a new approach called "timed elastic band" which explicitly considers temporal aspects of the motion in terms of dynamic constraints such as limited robot velocities and accelerations. The "timed elastic band" problem is formulated in a weighted multi-objective optimization framework. Most objectives are local as they depend on a few neighboring intermediate configurations. This results in a sparse system matrix for which efficient large-scale constrained least squares optimization methods exist. Results from simulations and experiments with a real robot demonstrate that the approach is robust and computationally efficient to generate optimal robot trajectories in real time. The "timed elastic band" converts an initial path composed of a sequence of way points into a trajectory with explicit dependence on time which enables the control of the robot in real time. Due to its modular formulation the approach is easily extended to incorporate additional objectives and constraints.
2021-11-20 01:53:43 435KB teb 局部路径规划 自动驾驶
Developing and testing algorithms for autonomous vehicles in real world is an expensive and time consuming process. Also, in order to utilize recent advances in machine intelligence and deep learning we need to collect a large amount of annotated training data in a variety of conditions and environments. We present a new simulator built on Unreal Engine that offers physically and visually realistic simulations for both of these goals.
2021-11-12 12:34:46 7.47MB AirSim
智能自治系统14:第十六届国际会议论文集IAS-14(智能系统与计算进展) 英文| 2017年2月11日| ISBN:3319480359 | 1172页| PDF | 49.64 MB 本书介绍了在上海举行的第十四届智能自治系统国际会议(IAS-14)的世界领先研究人员,工程师和实践者介绍的机器人领域的最新研究进展,创新和愿景,中国在2016年7月份。贡献充分表明,机器人,机器和系统正在迅速实现情报和自主权,实现越来越多的能力,如移动和操纵,感知和感知,推理和决策。涵盖广泛的研究成果和应用,特别注意自主机器人和智能系统在工业生产中的新兴作用,反映了其成熟度和鲁棒性。这些贡献是通过严格的同行评审过程进行选择的,并突出了许多令人兴奋和有远见的想法,将进一步激发研究界,刺激新的研究方向。 1986年开始的两年一次的IAS会议系列是机器人领域的首次盛会。
2021-11-12 12:13:13 49.66MB Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Traffic_sign_recognition:使用定向梯度直方图(HOG)和基于色域的功能识别交通标志。 支持向量机(SVM)用于对图像进行分类
mick_robot mick 是一个开源的自主导航小车项目,使用四轮差速小车模型和16线的3D激光雷达作为传感器,导航框架是基于move_base进行修改的。目前支持麦克纳姆轮和四轮差速底盘,该开源项目从搭建机械部分开始,分享底层的嵌入式控制,上层的建图和导航部分,最终实现A点到B的自主导航。 当前地址的代码为麦克纳姆轮和四轮差速ROS底盘的ROS导航节点包,与 mick_robot_chasiss 代码(底层控制代码)配合使用,更多的信息可以参考 该开源项目项应的中文教程: 该开源框架支持两种类型的底盘,4轮差速底盘和麦克纳姆轮底盘,如下图所示,底盘上运行的STM32程序可以在这个。 V1.2 修改日志 1.在底盘节点中增加使用外部的IMU来矫正里程计的偏航角 2.cartographer建图配置参数 3.增加了LeGO-LOAM节点(从官方节点fork) V1.1 修改日志 1.修改
2021-10-30 20:16:12 41.99MB autonomous-car autonomous-vehicles mick-robot C++
无人驾驶 学习 SLAM autonomous 辅助驾驶,是学习的必备
2021-10-28 11:24:18 4.7MB 无人驾驶 学习 SLAM autonomous
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots( 麻省理工)
2021-10-28 05:38:51 29.68MB Autonomous Mobile Robots
RTM3D-PyTorch 论文的PyTorch实现: (ECCV 2020) 示范 特征 基于单眼RGB图像的实时3D对象检测 支持 张量板 RESNET基于ķeypoint˚Feature P yramidÑetwork(KFPN)(通过设置使用--arch fpn_resnet_18 ) 使用左右摄像机的图像(通过设置use_left_cam_prob参数进行控制) 发布预训练的模型 本文的一些修改 公式(3) : 负值不能是log运算符的输入,因此请不要如本文中所述对dim进行归一化,因为归一化的dim值可能小于0 。 因此,我直接回归到以米为单位的绝对尺寸值。 使用L1 loss进行深度估计(首先将sigmoid激活应用于深度输出)。 公式(5) :我没有使用地面真实值的绝对值,而是使用了相对值。 式(7): argmin代替argmax 生成对象中心和顶
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots,中文清晰版,经典的机器人学习书籍
2021-10-25 17:59:38 45MB robotics autonomous
In high-performing organizations such as Salesforce and Spotify, autonomous product development teams own problems end-to-end—from interacting with customers to delivering engaging digital products. These teams find new ways to solve customer problems by constantly running experiments, using high-speed engineering capabilities to create extremely short customer feedback cycles.
2021-10-24 08:29:54 5.06MB Services