从Perl 5开始,学习Perl编程的重要核心概念,如变量、流控制、表达式和I/O。此外,这本书还介绍了模式匹配,并展示了Perl非常灵活和强大,而且它不害怕云。在阅读和使用这本书之后,您将能够开始编写自己的强大脚本来解决许多Web和编程问题。这是一本我们中的一些人的书,他们相信我们不需要学习Perl,现在我们知道它比以往任何时候都更普遍。您将看到Perl已经发展成为一种无处不在的多用途、多平台语言:繁重的web应用程序、云、系统管理、自然语言处理和金融工程。这本书提供了有关所有这些任务的Perl角色的有价值的洞察力,并为您的Perl编程冒险提供了一个很好的开端。
2021-01-28 02:23:36 3.07MB Perl Apress
Design Patterns are also a fun investigation of how a problem can be solved in many different ways, with varying degrees of technical sophistication and different sorts of trade-offs. Some patterns are more or less essential and unavoidable, whereas other patterns are more of a scientific curiosity (but nevertheless will be discussed in this book, since I’m a completionist). Readers should be aware that comprehensive solutions to certain problems (e.g., the Observer pattern) typically result in overengineering, that is, the creation of structures that are far more complicated than is necessary for most typical scenarios. While overengineering is a lot of fun (hey, you get to really solve the problem and impress your coworkers), it’s often not feasible.
2020-01-03 11:41:19 1.9MB Design Patterns
Beginning NetBeans IDE is your authoritative guide for getting started learning and using the free and open source NetBeans IDE. Written by Geertjan Wielenga, who has worked on the NetBeans Team since 2004, it shows you what the IDE is all about and how to use it with real-world case studies built from the ground up as you learn all about the IDE. In this book, you get a tour of the various, essential, and key NetBeans features, including a range of wizards and plug-ins. Then, you start building a more complex Java EE-based application using Maven with the NetBeans IDE. And, you learn how to improve that application by exploring the NetBeans refactoring, testing, debugging, and profiling tools. After reading and using this guide, you'll come away with a working case study and many insights into how to understand and optimally make use of NetBeans IDE.
2019-12-21 21:32:05 17.23MB Beginning NetBeans IDE
Explore advanced .NET APIs and create a basic .NET core library with dynamic code generation and metadata inspection to be used by other libraries or client applications. This book starts with the benefits of .NET including its fundamental tasks and tools where you will learn .NET SDK tools and the ILDasm tool. This is followed by a detailed discussion on code generation in .NET API programming.
2019-12-21 21:13:46 4.22MB NET.Core.3.0
Apress Practical Web 2.0 pdf
2019-12-21 21:10:40 6.85MB Apress Practical Web2.0
This short step by step guide walks you through unit testing, mocking and continuous integration and how to get these key ingredients running in your Swift projects. This book also looks at how to write your Swift apps using test driven development (TDD). Agile practices have made major inroads in i
2016-12-27 00:00:00 5.48MB Agile Swift
This is a book about building Arduino-powered devices for everyday use, and then connecting those devices to the Internet. If you're one of the many who have decided to build your own Arduino-powered devices for IoT applications, you've probably wished you could find a single resource - a guidebook for the eager-to-learn Arduino enthusiast - that teaches logically, methodically, and practically how the Arduino works and what you can build with it. Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things: Experiments with Real-World Applications is exactly what you need. Written by a software developer and solution architect who got tired of hunting and gathering various lessons for Arduino development as he taught himself all about the topic, this book gives you an incredibly strong foundation of Arduino-based device development, from which you can go in any direction according to your specific development needs and desires. Readers are introduced to the building blocks of IoT, and then deploy those principles to by building a variety of useful projects. Projects in the books gradually introduce the reader to key topics such as internet connectivity with Arduino, common IoT protocols, custom web visualization, and Android apps that receive sensor data on-demand and in realtime. IoT device enthusiasts of all ages will want this book by their side when developing Android-based devices.
2016-06-18 00:00:00 17.18MB Building Arduino IoT
This book shows how to deliver eye-catching Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI Desktop. You can now take data from virtually any source and use it to produce stunning dashboards and compelling reports that will seize your audience's attention. Slice and dice the data with remarkable ease then add metrics and KPIs to project the insights that create your competitive advantage. Make raw data into clear, accurate, and interactive information with Microsoft's free self-service business intelligence tool. Pro Power BI Desktop will help you to push your BI delivery to the next level. You'll learn to create great-looking visualizations and let your audience have fun by interacting with the elegant and visually arresting output that you can now deliver. You can choose from a wide range of built-in and third-party visualization types so that your message is always enhanced. You'll be able to deliver those results on the PC, on tablets, on smartphones, as well as share results via the cloud. Finally, this book helps you save time by preparing the underlying data correctly without needing an IT department to prepare it for you. Power BI Desktop will let your analyses speak for themselves.
2016-05-25 00:00:00 27.97MB Pro Power BI Desktop
In Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013, you will learn to solve business problems by tapping the power of Microsoft's Excel and Power BI to import data from NoSQL and SQL databases and other sources, create relational data models, and analyze business problems through sophisticated dashboards and data-driven maps. While Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013 covers prominent tools such as Hadoop and the NoSQL databases, it recognizes that most small and medium-sized businesses don't have the Big Data processing needs of a Netflix, Target, or Facebook. Instead, it shows how to import data and use the self-service analytics available in Excel with Power BI. As you'll see through the book's numerous case examples, these tools - which you already know how to use - can perform many of the same functions as the higher-end Apache tools many people believe are required to carry out in Big Data projects.
2015-10-09 00:00:00 20.91MB Big Data Power BI