fastboot android10版本 ubuntu linux平台 fastboot version 28.0.2-PD02.200305.0422 $ fastboot -h usage: fastboot [OPTION...] COMMAND... flashing: update ZIP Flash all partitions from an package. flashall Flash all partitions from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. On A/B devices, flashed slot is set as active. Secondary images may be flashed to inactive slot. flash PARTITION [FILENAME] Flash given partition, using the image from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no filename is given. basics: devices [-l] List devices in bootloader (-l: with device paths). getvar NAME Display given bootloader variable. reboot [bootloader] Reboot device. locking/unlocking: flashing lock|unlock Lock/unlock partitions for flashing flashing lock_critical|unlock_critical Lock/unlock 'critical' bootloader partitions. flashing get_unlock_ability Check whether unlocking is allowed (1) or not(0). advanced: erase PARTITION Erase a flash partition. format[:FS_TYPE[:SIZE]] PARTITION Format a flash partition. set_active SLOT Set the active slot. oem [COMMAND...] Execute OEM-specific command. gsi wipe|disable Wipe or disable a GSI installation (fastbootd only). boot image: boot KERNEL [RAMDISK [SECOND]] Download and boot kernel from RAM. flash:raw PARTITION KERNEL [RAMDISK [SECOND]] Create boot image and flash it. --dtb DTB Specify path to DTB for boot image header version 2. --cmdline CMDLINE Override kernel command line. --base ADDRESS Set kernel base address (default: 0x10000000). --kernel-offset Set kernel offset (default: 0x00008000). --ramdisk-offset Set ramdisk offset (default: 0x01000000)
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