A* Pathfinding Project Pro是一个功能强大并且易于使用的 Unity 寻路系统。通过快速的路径寻找,您的 AI 将立即在复杂的迷宫中找到玩家。 非常适合 TD、FPS、RTS 游戏。
2022-02-16 22:06:16 6.05MB unity 插件 AStart A*
A Pathfinding Project Pro 4.2.15 官方最新版~~~,其他版本要么不是最新版,要么积分要太高了
2021-12-23 22:15:50 5.83MB Unity AStar A*Pathfinding A*
2021-12-19 18:01:26 6.08MB Unity 插件
2021-12-15 21:07:10 9.18MB ai 游戏开发 人工智能
Unity寻路插件最新版-A Pathfinding Project Pro 4.1.16
2021-12-06 14:29:22 6.22MB Unity Unity3D 寻路 插件
如题 , 目前的非Beta最新版 . Unity寻路插件 . 功能强大 .
2021-12-03 12:30:29 6.3MB 寻路 unity
2021-11-17 20:22:38 416KB unity
路径GAN 基于采样路径规划启发式生成对抗网络的Pytorch实现 表中的内容 结构 PathGAN的总体结构由两部分组成: RRT *搜索算法和 产生性的对抗性网络,用于产生有希望的区域 搜索算法 RRT*算法: 比较RRT*和Heuristic RRT* : GAN架构 GAN整体架构: GAN架构的详细信息: 数据集 数据集 训练 结果 执照 该项目在麻省理工学院获得许可。 链接 基于生成式对抗网络的启发式算法,用于基于采样的路径规划(arXiv文章) GAN路径查找器(arXiv文章)
A* Pathfinding Project Pro 3.8.6 - 超牛的寻路插件
2021-11-04 15:02:49 5.63MB A* untiy Pathfinding 3.8.6
Requires Unity 5.2.2 or higher. The A* Pathfinding Project is a powerful and easy to use pathfinding system for Unity. With blazing fast pathfinding your AIs will be able to find the player in complex mazes in no time at all. Perfect for TD, FPS and RTS games. Take a look at what's new in the 4.0 update! Features: Grid, navmesh and point graphs, so you've got 3 types of graphs included. Automatic navmesh generation to save you from doing it manually. Fully multithreaded so it will barely affect the frame rate. Path post-processing using raycasting, smoothing and using the funnel algorithm. A single line of code for a pathfinding call. Graphs can be saved to files. Local Avoidance both in the XZ and XY plane. Source code included. Supports updating graphs during runtime. Includes a total of 16 example scenes to help you get started. Also a comprehensive online documentation where almost all functions and variables are documented.
2021-11-03 20:22:42 5.51MB Unity插件 自动寻路 A* A