Delve into the Broadcom VideoCore GPU used on the Raspberry Pi and master topics such as OpenGL ES and OpenMAX. Along the way, you’ll also learn some Dispmanx, OpenVG, and GPGPU programming. The author, Jan Newmarch bumped into a need to do this kind of programming while trying to turn the RPi into a karaoke machine: with the CPU busting its gut rendering MIDI files, there was nothing left for showing images such as karaoke lyrics except for the GPU, and nothing really to tell him how to do it. Raspberry Pi GPU Audio Video Programming scratches his itch and since he had to learn a lot about RPi GPU programming, he might as well share it with you. What started as a side issue turned into a full-blown project of its own; and this stuff is hard. What You'll Learn Use Dispmanx and EGL on Raspberry Pi Work with OpenMAX and its components, state, IL Client Library, * * Buffers, and more on RPi Process images and video on RPi Handle audio on RPi Render OpenMAX to OpenGL on the RPi Play multimedia files on the RPi Use OpenVG for text processing and more Master overlays Who This Book Is For You should be comfortable with C programming and at least some concurrency and thread programming using it. This book is for experienced programmers who are new or learning about Raspberry Pi. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to the Raspberry Pi Chapter 2: Khronos Group Chapter 3: Compiling Programs for the Raspberry Pi Chapter 4: Dispmanx on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 5: EGL on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 6: OpenGL ES on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 7: OpenMAX on the Raspberry Pi Concepts Chapter 8: OpenMAX Components on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 9: OpenMAX on the Raspberry Pi State Chapter 10: OpenMAX IL Client Library on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 11: OpenMAX Buffers on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 12: Image Processing on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 13: OpenMAX Video Processing on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 14: OpenMAX Audio on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 15: Rendering OpenMAX to OpenGL on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 16: Playing Multimedia Files on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 17: Basic OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 18: Text Processing in OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi Chapter 19: Overlays on the Raspberry Pi
2023-12-21 12:01:36 3.71MB Raspberry GPU Programming
基于视频的脉冲检测数据集 打开数据集以进行基于视频的脉冲检测。 包括.mp4视频文件和地面真实心电图信号 影片在两种身体状况下的20秒视频片段:静止和进行体育锻炼后 心电图使用以.cardio和.txt格式记录的20秒ECG .cardio-可以使用软件打开 .txt-包含来自六个引线(I,II,III,avR,avL,avF)的六个信号
2023-12-10 10:31:52 1.24GB
ROSJava音频-https: 适用于Android的启用了音频的Ros节点 此模块提供了音频发布者和订阅者,可让您流式传输和使用来自Android设备的实时音频。 AudioPublisher和AudioSubscriber都只使用主题名称作为参数,并且都带有简单的暂停和取消暂停方法。 注意:要查看这些roscore服务器实例上正在传输的AudioData消息,还必须安装音频常见消息。 =====
2023-12-08 14:58:05 69KB Java
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2023-12-06 17:21:22 52.74MB unity
2023-12-03 10:47:06 11.25MB java mysql
软件名称:Topaz Video Enhance AI 软件类别:AI视频增强 软件版本:v1.8.1 软件性质:免费软件 软件大小:1.81 GB 下载方式:百度网盘下载 支持平台:Windows 64-bit 支持语言:英文 运行测试:已在Windows 10测试运行正常 软件描述:通过对数以千计的视频进行训练,并结合来自多个输入视频帧的信息, Topaz Video Enhance AI将以真实的细节和运动一致性将您的素材放大和增强到8K分辨率。使用智能AI技术,Video Enhance AI是有史以来功能最强大的视频画质增强软件。
2023-11-22 20:41:52 75B AI 画质增强
a very good book based on VC1 and H264 the likes&differences
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AVPro Video
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屏幕录像工具 提供屏幕录制工具,并将支持录制的MP4文件转换为GIF 屏幕录制功能来自 GIF转换功能来自 截屏 执照 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS
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