使用 Matlab 和 Python 的 RCS(雷达截面)计算器
2022-03-19 11:30:41 1.66MB matlab
对 DVB-RCS 系统做了介绍,着重分析了 DVB 标准中各种表的 定义和应用,在此基础上,结合在项目中所承担的任务,详细分析了 协议分析软件中所涉及的协议,给出了利用 Visual C++开发工具在 Windows XP 环境下协议分析软件的设计和开发方法,
2022-03-09 16:32:08 1.52MB DVB_RCS 协议分析
2022-01-26 22:02:57 406KB HFSS RCS PML
2022-01-26 13:15:22 151KB RCS 面元法 航母
This document defines the test cases for terminal RCS Universal Profile features. It is applicable to the terminals with RCS function. Terminal RCS testing include field testing, lab testing, performance testing and local special test cases. For this document, most of the test cases are related to field testing, and GCF/PTCRB use them as part of the existing certification program. Therefore, for the field test cases the document will refer to TS.11 Annex D RCS section directly. This document also defines RCS test cases for the industry and provides standardized guidance for RCS lab testing, performance testing and other special test cases that are not covered by GCF & PTCRB.
2022-01-21 19:01:47 648KB RCS UniversalProfil RCS测试用例 RCS测试
2022-01-12 20:59:17 273KB 物理光学
2022-01-03 22:01:19 1.08MB MALTAB 电磁仿真 目标特性 RCS
2021-12-31 11:02:49 488KB 微波仿真 雷达目标动态 RCS 仿真
2021-12-29 21:02:04 4.3MB 5G消息 RCS 慢病管理 健康管理
DVB-RCS的全英文标准,详细全面。What is DVB-RCS? DVB-RCS is a technical standard, designed by the DVB Project, that defines a complete air interface specification for two-way satellite broadband VSAT (very small aperture terminal) systems. Low cost VSAT equipment can provide highly dynamic, demand-assigned transmission capacity to residential and commercial/institutional users. DVB-RCS provides users with the equivalent of an ADSL or cable Internet connection, without the need for local terrestrial infrastructure. Depending on satellite link budgets and other system design parameters, DVB-RCS implementations can dynamically provide anywhere up to 20 Mbit/s to each terminal on the outbound link, and up to 5 Mbit/s or more from each terminal on the inbound link. The standard is published by ETSI as EN 301 790.
2021-12-21 15:35:07 819KB 卫星通信