12.3 实例的SPSS输出结果详解 (1)巴特利特球度检验和KMO检验 首先表15-3显示了对数据进行因子分析适用性检验 的结果。巴特利特球度检验统计量的观测值等于119. 915,。如果显著性水平等于0.05,由于概率P值小于 显著性水平,应拒绝原假设,认为相关系数矩阵与 单位阵有显著差异。同时,KMO值为0.763,根据Kai ser给出的KMO度量标准可知原有变量适合进行因子 分析。
2022-09-18 08:52:26 10.09MB SPSS19.0 教程
The X-CUBE-SMBUS Expansion Package contains the SMBus/PMBus stack implementation for STM32Cube. The SMBus stack is built on STM32Cube HAL drivers to implement the transport layer. Middleware also includes the template for further expansion and personalization of PMBus support. The strict usage of STM32Cube ensures high portability across STM32 microcontrollers. X-CUBE-SMBUS is provided with example and basic functionality tests for the main board in the P-NUCLEO-WB55 pack, and for boards NUCLEO
2022-09-13 14:40:59 13.99MB SMBUS STM32
《Qt及Qt Quick开发实战精解》教程+代码
2022-09-09 19:40:50 59.04MB QT 嵌入式 图形界面 C++
使用很多年的一款软件,比直接交平面稿给客户通过率更高,操作简单,所见即所得,瞬间提升作品b格 Quick 3D Cover是一款三维表面制作软件,可以制作专业级别的软件包装、电子书籍封面、CD 光盘等项目。它提供了一系列模板,可以为不同的侧面提供不同的图案,还可以添加阴影效果、反射效果并调整阴影和亮度以及进行批量处理,最后将效果输出为JPG、GIF、BMP或者png文件。
2022-09-05 21:04:43 13.73MB Quick3DCover
pytest Quick Start Guide pdf 来源:[pytest Quick Start Guide - 2018.pdf](https://itbooks.ctfile.com/fs/18113597-314070249) Learn the pytest way to write simple tests which can also be used to write complex tests Key Features Become proficient with pytest from day one by solving real-world testing problems Use pytest to write tests more efficiently Scale from simple to complex and functional testing Book Description Python's standard unittest module is based on the xUnit family of frameworks, which has its origins in Smalltalk and Java, and tends to be verbose to use and not easily extensible.The pytest framework on the other hand is very simple to get started, but powerful enough to cover complex testing integration scenarios, being considered by many the true Pythonic approach to testing in Python. In this book, you will learn how to get started right away and get the most out of pytest in your daily work?ow, exploring powerful mechanisms and plugins to facilitate many common testing tasks. You will also see how to use pytest in existing unittest-based test suites and will learn some tricks to make the jump to a pytest-style test suite quickly and easily. What you will learn Write and run simple and complex tests Organize tests in fles and directories Find out how to be more productive on the command line Markers and how to skip, xfail and parametrize tests Explore fxtures and techniques to use them effectively, such as tmpdir, pytestconfg, and monkeypatch Convert unittest suites to pytest using little-known techniques Use third-party plugins Who this book is for This book is for Python programmers that want to learn more about testing. This book is also for QA testers, and those who already benefit from programming with tests daily but want to improve their existing testing tools.
2022-08-28 12:08:48 2.45MB python pytest 自动化测试
2022-08-24 19:04:52 48.84MB cocos2dx cocos2d-quick
wp-快速批量编辑 将自定义字段添加到 WordPress 页面,并将它们添加到快速编辑和批量编辑功能。
2022-08-18 09:31:55 4KB PHP
教程将介绍使用Qt5.x版本开发应用程序的相关技术。教程更侧重讲解新的Qt Quick 开发技巧,在讲解Qt Quick扩展内容时会涉及部分Qt C++内容。 本章是对Qt5的概述,通过一个Qt5的应用程序示例展示Qt5中一种新的开发模式。 此外,本章旨在全面概述Qt5,以及如何与Qt5的开发者取得联系。
2022-08-17 17:29:01 6.72MB QT Quick QML QT5
Need to learn statistics for your job? Want help passing a statistics course? Statistics in a Nutshell is a clear and concise introduction and reference for anyone new to the subject. Thoroughly revised and expanded, this edition helps you gain a solid understanding of statistics without the numbing complexity of many college texts. Each chapter presents easy-to-follow descriptions, along with graphics, formulas, solved examples, and hands-on exercises. If you want to perform common statistical analyses and learn a wide range of techniques without getting in over your head, this is your book. Learn basic concepts of measurement and probability theory, data management, and research design Discover basic statistical procedures, including correlation, the t-test, the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, and techniques for analyzing nonparametric data Learn advanced techniques based on the general linear model, including ANOVA, ANCOVA, multiple linear regression, and logistic regression Use and interpret statistics for business and quality improvement, medical and public health, and education and psychology Communicate with statistics and critique statistical information presented by others
2022-08-13 18:38:22 4.47MB Statistics  Data Science
2022-08-06 17:32:26 133KB 文件查看 文件夹管理